From Stilspoke and Specialized:
A film by Stilspoke, filmed and edited by Keenan Desplanques, directed by Keenan and Christopher Blevins. The Long Traverse is about learning from, and loving, the landscapes we ride in. Through the story of an iconic 80-mile, 11,000-foot ride, @Christopherblevs and @dillon.osleger consider the history of a landscape and our place within it, grappling with the realities of forest fires and extraction, while letting the bike show us all we can appreciate and learn as people on the land.
The Los Padres national forest spans the Central Coast of California, from the Pacific Ocean to the fringe of the Mojave Desert. This land of many uses hosts world-class biodiversity, the endangered California Condor, 350+ miles of trail, and a multitude of Chumash cultural sites. The Los Padres Traverse route is not only an incredible ride, but it highlights the intersection of recreation, conservation, and climate.
Through the trail stewardship and advocacy work of Dillon’s nonprofit Sage Trail Alliance, Christopher established the fastest known time (FKT) along the route. And throughout this process, Christopher learned more about caring for the places he gets to ride in and the communities along the way. Whether you’re trying to complete the traverse in six hours or taking three days to bike pack it with friends, the Los Padres is a place to visit. Likewise, whether you’re a World Cup racer or a Weekend Warrior, we can use the bike to understand our responsibility to take action to better our planet, and we can all dig during trail restoration days. Learn more about the Long Traverse project at where you can buy magazines and merch to support Dillon’s trail restoration efforts at
Listen to our interview with Blevins about the film.