If racing fat bikes in the snow isn’t your thing but you still enjoy competing on your fat bike, mark your calendar for this year’s US Open Fat Bike Beach Championship in Wrightsville Beach, NC March 10-12, 2017.
This is the third annual US Open Fat Bike Beach Championships, and organizers are hoping to sell out all 100 slots this year. The beginner’s race is 8 miles long, while the experts will ride 24 soul-sucking miles in the sand to determine a winner. Fortunately race organizers promise less “soft sand” on this year’s course and more obstacles, perhaps like the beer kegs shown in the photo above. A new team division is being added to this year’s 24-mile race, allowing up to 8 riders per team.
Aside from the main competition, the weekend will include adventure cycling clinics and a fat bike tour of Masonboro Island, an uninhabited island located nearby.
Registration costs $65. Get more information and register for the race here.