Tomorrow is Earth Day, and Yoann Barelli is working to get everyone stoked to pick up a little trash this week. His friend Andy is on a quest to pick up a million plastic bottles, and Andy’s already notched more than 100,000 bottles collected while jogging and pushing a buggy to carry his haul.
To join in and to encourage friends and family members to help, take photos of your haul and use the tag @millionbbottlepledge and #1millionbottlechallenge on social media this week. Go on the Million Bottle website and share your count to show your support as well.
I’ve been collecting trash while walking around my neighborhood this pandemic using an inexpensive grabber like this one. After a 15-minute walk I generally have a plastic grocery bag full of trash to discard at home. While bottles and cans are pretty common finds, unfortunately there are also a lot of discarded face masks and used tissues everywhere right now — yuck!
Let’s all use Yoann’s push to make picking up trash a habit starting with Earth Day, and continuing all year!