Getting Singletracks on tapatalk

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    • #104620

      I don’t know of this has been brought up before but I have been recently blocked from accessing the forums from my work computer and I can’t find on tapatalk. Is there something that can be done to add it? Just wondering, I miss cruising the forums in my down time. Is rather be on here then They are on tapatalk so I have been on there more and more.

    • #104621

      Tapatalk is a forum app on the iPhone, Android, webOS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry. Tapatalk Forum App provides super fast on-the-go forum access to majority of the discussion forums that has activated the Tapatalk plugin.

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    • #104622

      1st, you can access the forums through the Singletracks mobile app.

      2nd, check into setting up a sock5 proxy for web browsing while at work.

    • #104623

      Government computer…

    • #104624

      Never mind, you should be working while at work, not surfing the net .. since my tax $$ are paying you. 😆

    • #104625

      I am an aircraft mechanic for the Air Force, our job is feast or famine. On the same note I am also paying myself to cruise forums. I pay taxes too, a lot of taxes!

    • #104626

      heh, fair enough!

      Seriously though, if you use the singletracks app, just click ‘Full Site’ and you can get to the forums.

    • #104627

      I’ve been using the Singletracks forum on my phone for the past couple of weeks, and I would really appreciate having an app like this that automatically converts the forum into a more readable format. I have to do a lot of zooming and panning in the full website view. Moving this thread to the Site Feedback forum, just to keep things organized and so the right people see it. 😎

    • #104628

      Download google reader ap and subscribe to rss feed at top of singletracks website. The orange sqare looking tab. Not the same but allows you to easier choose what to read.

    • #104629

      Thank you Greg, I was thinking of adding it to this forum. At least I am not the only one.

    • #104630
      "Johneblz" wrote

      Download google reader ap and subscribe to rss feed at top of singletracks website. The orange sqare looking tab. Not the same but allows you to easier choose what to read.

      The RSS feed works great for the blog, but getting posts from the forum is a whole different matter.

      "WVPedler" wrote

      Thank you Greg, I was thinking of adding it to this forum. At least I am not the only one.

      For sure dude, I think it’s a good idea!

    • #104631

      I have also pm’d trek7k but have heard nothing back yet, but I am sure he will get back with me. I know he is a busy guy.

    • #104632

      Free Bump…

    • #104633

      No news…? Is this even a option…? I would love this to happen…

    • #104634

      Still wondering…

    • #104635

      Free bump…??? Could this ever happen Jeff? 💡 💡

    • #104636

      I know this is an older thread, but would like to see this happen alos. Tapatalk just makes reading forums on a smart phone just so much easier! I use it for quite a few forums and would love to add Singletracks to the list!

    • #104637

      I can’t speak for Jeff, but can explain why it [i:25z2vdp4]might[/i:25z2vdp4] not be high up on his to-do list.

      Tapatalk integration for a stock phpBB3 install is fairly straight-forward. This forum system however has been altered to modify the authentication system, in an effort to thwart account-sharers. Tapatalk needs to log you in properly and it uses pre-built modules for each big name in forums. vBulletin, phpBB3, Simple Machines, etc. have it’s own login system that Tapatalk knows how to handle. This forum however ties your login to a php session ID. Tapatalk would not know how to handle that. Since the tapatalk system acts as a middleman for your login, it would not necessarily use the samme sessid each page call. This could prove to be very problematic.

      Having integrated Tapatalk a few times, I’ve seen how badly it can go when applied to a modified authentication system. That may be the sticking point here.

    • #104638
      "schwim" wrote

      This forum system however has been altered to modify the authentication system, in an effort to thwart account-sharers.

      There is also the module in place that allows single sign-on between the forum and the blog.

    • #104639

      Just to note, if you’re behind a firewall using a whitelist, meaning only certain domains are allowed to be visited, there’s not a bunch you can do if you can’t install software inside the network.

      If, however, you’re dealing with a blacklist system, meaning they have a list of disallowed sites, you’re in better shape. You need to find a proxy website(there’s thousands and thousands of them on the web, Google is your friend here), or if you have hosting space anywhere, install your own, which really consists of uploading a single file. The most commonly used script is called PHProxy and it uses whatever domain you install it on to act as an intermediary. For instance, visiting Singletracks on my proxy, it looks like this(note the URL bar):


      So if I’m behind a blacklist, I can still visit those sites, because they didn’t blacklist my URL, just the one I’m using my domain to visit.

      Something to ponder if you’re dealing with this type of restriction.

    • #104640
      "maddslacker" wrote

      There is also the module in place that allows single sign-on between the forum and the blog.

      I’m definitely not privy to the inner workings and I’m sure there’s a bunch more done to it since the landing pages for login aren’t even inside the forum’s folder structure. Which makes it all the more daunting to integrate a system such as Tapatalk.

    • #104641
      "schwim" wrote

      [quote="maddslacker":2v89cjo7]There is also the module in place that allows single sign-on between the forum and the blog.

      I’m definitely not privy to the inner workings and I’m sure there’s a bunch more done to it since the landing pages for login aren’t even inside the forum’s folder structure. Which makes it all the more daunting to integrate a system such as Tapatalk.[/quote:2v89cjo7]

      Great input Schwimm. Now I know who to talk to for any of my hacking needs! 😄

    • #104642
      "gar29" wrote

      Great input Schwimm. Now I know who to talk to for any of my hacking needs! 😄

      The best I could do would probably be to make you a sandwich and void the warranty on your blender.

    • #104643

      Thought I would update the thread to reflect a new addon for Firefox and Chrome that allows you to bypass blocklists and visit sites normally inaccessible.

    • #104644

      Just updating this for all the guys that are subscribed:

      Jeff just posted that the site is now Tapatalk-friendly! Go forth and tap!

      And talk!

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