Mountain bike repairs and maintenance can be more satisfying with the right tools. Not only that, quality tools last longer and often result in better and quicker, repairs. These are the tools we’re eyeing as upgrades for our MTB toolkit.
Wera 467/7 T-Handle TORX Screwdriver Set
We’re using our T-handle hex wrenches less and less these days so it’s time to invest in quality Torx wrenches. We love the quality of our Wera tools and these should last a lifetime.
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Park Tool Professional Wheel Truing Stand
Wheel truing takes patience and precision and while the Park Tool professional stand won’t make you more patient it should make the process less frustrating.
Buy from Competitive Cyclist
Feedback Sports Bottom Bracket Cassette Wrench
This quality tool combines a bottom bracket wrench with a cassette lockring tool that’s a big upgrade over the smaller tools that require using a separate wrench.
Buy from REI.com
Park Tool CP-1.2 Cassette Pliers
Chain whips are generally awkward to use. These cassette pliers, on the other hand, make the job of removing a cassette much easier. Combine with the Feedback Sports lockring wrench above for pure bliss.
Buy from Jenson USA
Unior Hanger Genie
Derailleur hangers are beginning to disappear, and hard-to-find hangers probably won’t be any easier to source in the future. This tool promises to keep your derailleur hanger hanging on for as long as possible.
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Abbey Bike Tools Decade Chain Tool
When it comes to chain tools there’s a big difference in quality between the cheap and expensive. Abbey literally put this one to the test, flawlessly installing 10,000 chains with a single tool, the equivalent of 3 chains per day for a decade.
Buy from Backcountry.com
Effetto Mariposa Giustaforza II 10-60 Pro Torque Wrench
This long handle torque wrench is designed for high torque bolts like pedals, cranks and now SRAM Eagle Transmission derailleurs. Get the leverage you need AND an accurate measurement all in one.
Buy from Backcountry.com
Unior MTB Tire Tread Cutter
Have you ever wanted to modify your mountain bike tires to make them lighter or roll faster? The Unior MTB Tire Tread Cutter is the gateway tool to diving down the tire mod rabbit hole.
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Birzman Damselfly Chain Tool
If the Abbey Decade chain tool is too spendy the Birzman Damselfly is a solid fallback option, plus it just looks cool. Amazon reviewers say it’s better than the Park tool with good leverage and smooth action.
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Enduro Hub Bearing Press Kit
Keep your bike running smoothly with this bearing press kit, which should pay for itself if you’re swapping out pivot cartridges. And don’t forget the universal bearing puller tool for removing the old bearings. There’s also a slightly less expensive bearing puller tool.
Buy from Performance Bike
Jagwire Elite Hydraulic Hose Cutter Brake Line Cutter
The key to a successful brake install is clean cuts to reduce the chance of leaks. This purpose-built tool delivers the perfect perpendicular cut every time.
Buy from Jenson USA
Silca Secret Chain Wax Blend
Silca chain wax keeps drivetrains running smooth and promises to extend the life of your chain. Unfortunately the Silca Chain Waxing System warmers are sold out but the good news is you can use a pot of boiling water to melt the Silca Secret Chain Wax Blend, no special warmer required!
Buy from SILCA
Recycled Carbon Fiber Tire Levers
It’s unlikely these carbon fiber tire levers work any better than plastic ones but buyers can feel good knowing they’re made from recycled Forge+Bond FusionFiber rims.
Buy from Forge+Bond
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Feb 27, 2024
Hey, we have a job opportunity for cargo bikes now. Well, in addition to being beer trucks on two wheels!!