Coming to a trailhead near you: Self service bike parts

We wrote about ByeKyle’s Simple Strap product a several weeks ago and noted how simple and versatile it is (even the name is “simple”). Now ByeKyle is simplifying the entire sales process and innovating again, this time with a “Store on Tour.” Built from a key rack salvaged from an old theater, the “store” will …


We wrote about ByeKyle’s Simple Strap product a several weeks ago and noted how simple and versatile it is (even the name is “simple”). Now ByeKyle is simplifying the entire sales process and innovating again, this time with a “Store on Tour.”

Built from a key rack salvaged from an old theater, the “store” will hold 26 Simple Straps and the whole thing will operate on the honor system. Even the pricing is simple – just 5 bucks each (no need to dig for change). Here’s the store tour schedule:

6/20–Cowbell Challenge (Kenda Cup EAST) – Davidson NC
7/12–Walnut Creek Chimney Chase – Charlottesville VA
8/16–18 Hours on the Farm, Maidens VA
9/6Shenandoah Mtn. 100, Stokesville VA
For more tour dates go to

I’d love to see this concept extended with small, emergency type parts like tubes, power links, energy bars, etc. We really hope the honor system idea pans out, this could be a really good model…