How much range do you get out of your eMTB?

There are many factors that affect electric mountain bike range, so we want to know what yours looks like on a typical ride.
Close-up view of an electric bike handlebar display showing a battery level of 88% and a warning message to "Avoid distracted driving." The handlebar has a textured grip and is set against a blurred green background.

When comparing electric mountain bike range, the most objective measure is the watt-hour capacity of the battery. But what we really want to know is: how far can we go on a single charge? Of course, there are a lot of factors that influence electric mountain bike battery range, including elevation gain, assistance level, rider weight, and motor efficiency, just to name a few. For that reason, some manufacturers provide a distance range, which can be helpful. Still, we want to know what your actual range looks like for your eMTB.

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On average, how much range do you get out of your mountain bike on a single charge?

And if you don’t own an eMTB, tell us how much range you get out of eating a Chipotle burrito in the comments below. 🙂