Cleaning your bike after a ride can feel like a buzz kill but it doesn’t have to take forever. Follow these tips and you’ll get the job done quickly without damaging your bike.
1. Get your mountain bike dirty
One of the reasons people end up doing more damage than good while washing their mountain bike is because they wash it too frequently. Just because there is a little speckling of dirt on the down tube does not mean you need to bust out the scrub brushes… it’s a mountain bike people. But if your bike is truly dirty, give it a bath.

2. Find a place to wash it
For many people who own homes, this is easy: just haul out the garden hose and get washing. But for those of us who live in an apartment or who live the nomadic mountain biking dream, finding a hose isn’t always so easy.
Nowadays, many of the popular purpose-built mountain biking trail systems have a bike wash stand right at the trailhead: this is perfect! If your favorite trail doesn’t have a wash stand I suggest heading on over to your local bike shop. Most shops are more than happy to let you wash your bike for free. (If they aren’t, it might be time to find a new LBS.)
3. Find some brushes and rinse
Purchasing a brush set is relatively inexpensive, and if you are already heading to the LBS to wash your bike, why not buy one while you’re there.

Use the hose to rinse the mud off of your bike as best you can. In order to avoid ruining your rig, don’t spray high pressure water into areas that have bearings. The water can work its way in and wash the grease out.
You will notice 2 things in the photo below:
a) I am standing back away from the bike so the pressure isn’t too great.
b) This is just a normal hose, not a high pressure system (as compared to say the coin-operated car wash).

As I move in closer toward the bike and focus on the components, I reduce the pressure even more to turn the spray into more of a mist.
4. Scrub
Bust out those brushes pictured above and scrub your bike down. I recommend the big brush for the frame, the medium-sized brush with hard bristles for hard-to-reach places, and the small brush for components, especially the chain and cassette.

You can choose to use soap if you would like, as it will definitely help with greasy, hard to clean areas. However, if I’m aiming for a quick wash in under 15 minutes, I’ll skip the soap and just scrub and use water. It still works pretty well.

Make sure to get all of the hard-to-reach areas.
[see_also id=”64567″][/see_also]
5. Clean the chain
Having a clean frame is nice, but where it really counts is with your drivetrain and other moving parts. Take special care to clean the chain well.

6. Clean the cassette and other components
Be sure to get all of the grime out of the cassette, and clean the chain rings and derailleurs carefully as well.

7. Skip the tires
Part of our goal is to get the bike clean in the shortest amount of time possible. Toward that end, skip scrubbing the tires. I will usually spray them down with the hose to knock the muck off, but I won’t bother scrubbing and detailing them. Really, what would be the point? The tires are the first thing to get dirty again, and having a little red stain from the local clay is not going to affect performance at all.
Focus on more important parts like the drivetrain.

8. Dry
Take care to dry your mountain bike off. If I’m going quickly, I usually focus on the chain, components, and other moving parts, and I bump my bike side-to-side in an effort to knock the water out of the heads of the bolts so that they don’t rust.
9. Lube
Immediately after you think your bike is adequately dry, do a full lube-job. Make sure to lube the chain well, in addition to all of the other moving parts such as your derailleurs. Be sure to wipe away the excess lube after it has had a few minutes to soak in.
10. Get your mountain bike dirty
Mountain bikes aren’t meant to be looked at or ridden on the pavement–they are supposed to be lovingly abused on a dirty singletrack trail! Go ride, get dirty, and go back to step #2!
Following this method, washing my bike usually takes under 15 minutes, with the lube job taking an additional 5 or so. This is fast, simple, and crucial to keeping your bike in good operating condition.
How do you go about washing your bike?
May 25, 2011
May 24, 2011
May 23, 2011
May 20, 2011
Jan 6, 2012
Apr 14, 2013
May 20, 2011
Jan 6, 2012
May 20, 2011
May 21, 2011
@GoldenGoose, Thanks for weighing in. I'll bear that in mind...
May 23, 2011
May 24, 2011
May 20, 2011
I'm curious to know how often others do a full drivetrain clean - taking the chain and cassette off. It seems like the only way to get all the grease and grit out of a chain is to soak it in degreaser... Seems like I end up doing this every 300 miles or so.
May 23, 2011
Feb 19, 2012
May 20, 2011
Mar 14, 2012
Some car washes have a "Dog Wash" and I was wondering if they would let me hose off. I'll report back.
Nov 19, 2015
Works great for rinsing the bike off right at the trailhead, while the mud/grit is still wet, and the spray intensity is easily adjustable and just about perfect for dislodging dirt but not blasting through bearing seals. A gallon of water (I suppose you could add soap but no need to) does one bike easily and could probably do two with a little restraint.
I've found that mud on the bike is like poison oak on the skin, the sooner you can get it off the less grief you're going to have later. It's amazing how easily mud washes off while it's still wet, and how slow it is to re-soften later after it's dried and hardened.
May 20, 2011
May 20, 2011
Jun 9, 2011
May 21, 2011
Nov 25, 2013
Feb 19, 2012
May 21, 2011
Sep 22, 2012
Sep 22, 2012
May 20, 2011
May 21, 2011
Feb 24, 2015
May 23, 2011
May 23, 2011
Going to put it to use before i leave this weekend. :)
Jul 12, 2014
So WD 40 is a little sticky. But wiping off the excess doesn't hurt. And it leaves the bike looking nice and shiny !.
I'll wipe down the frame maybe twice a week in the same way, but everything else maybe once a fortnight. Depends on how the weathers been. If it's been raining, as soon as i get home with it i'll dry the bike off and clean the whole thing, including lubricating everything.
The bike is a neon green Cube LTD 29er. And it looks totally awsome when it's clean. And it still looks as good as new.
I do all this this often because i know from experience what water can do to all the exposed metal parts of a bike. I tend not to go out in the rain, but sometimes i'll get caught out in it.
Jul 14, 2014
And if you apply it and then try to remove it all, exactly what is the point? It seems to me that you're wasting about 2-4 hours of your life every week doing this. But if it floats your boat, so be it.
Dec 7, 2013
May 20, 2011
Jan 19, 2015
May 20, 2011
May 24, 2011
@muttonmark, Maybe someday! Do you live in da UP or the mitten? My family is in Central WI, and I've really been wanting to do some riding up near Marquette and Copper Harbor.
May 20, 2011
As for the big chain cleaner machine, I've seen those and I really want one, but they cost $$...
May 20, 2011
I rarely bother with cleaning my bike. Every now and then I'll brush off the chain and wipe down the fork stanchions, but it's rare I actually clean off the frame. Dirt on the frame aint hurting anything.