I have been a dedicated mountain biker for over eight years now, and despite having used friends’ repair stands and repair stands at shops, I have never shelled out the money to purchase my own stand. It seemed that buying a stand was always on the back burner: replacing broken components was always a more pressing issue.
After using the Feedback Sports Classic Repair Stand to do some work, I realized how difficult I was making things by doing all my bike repairs trail-side fashion. A sturdy, well-designed stand such as the Feedback Classic makes a world of difference!
Specs: Repair Stand
The Feedback Classic features an expandable tripod design, a 360-degree rotating slide-lock clamp, a clamp height range of 42in to 71in (thanks to the telescoping design), and a 3.25in clamp width.

Easily folded down into a compact 11.1lb, 5in x 6.5in x 45in package, this stand could easily function as a traveling repair stand for racers, or for those who just love to explore and carry all their tools with them. However, with a base diameter of 54in, a max load weight of 85lbs, and the addition of a tool tray, this same stand can also readily function as a stationary stand for your at-home bike shop/man cave.
Specs: Tool Tray
The Tool Tray is an optional addition that’s compatible with any of Feedback’s repair stands. While at first it seems simple, this tray can really make your repair experience exponentially easier. The tray features holders for bike-specific tools and regular tools, a series of drink holders, a wash basin with plug (or just a holder so you don’t lose the little nuts and bolts), and a rag holder.
Out on the… Driveway
When it came time to do some bike work, the Feedback Classic worked exactly as advertised. The tripod design is intuitive, and the 360-degree swiveling clamp makes getting the exact angle you need to mount your bike a cinch. Expanding and clamping down the sliding-lock clamp takes just a few seconds and the process is quite intuitive, made easier thanks to the printed arrows near the dial.

Despite being lightweight and very portable, the wide base, heavy-duty clamps, and solid legs and center pole make this a very stable stand, even with heavy bikes clamped in it. As for that 85lb load weight limit… let’s just hope you never have to pedal a bike that weighs 85 pounds!
As I mentioned in the specs section, the addition of the tool tray rockets the usability of this stand through the roof. With my tools easily at hand, and easily sorted, I no longer have to go sifting through a disorganized toolbox to find what I need when I’m in the middle of a repair.
The “wash basin” is also extremely useful. While I’m not sure if I’ll be using it to wash components any time soon, this basin is perfect for holding bolts and small components I’ve taken off the bike and am going to reinstall. There’s nothing worse than loosing a bolt in the dirt that needs to go back on your bike!
Last, but definitely not least, the Tool Tray features several drink holders. Feedback bills them as “coffee cup holders,” but as we all know: beer and mountain biking go well together!
I was able to easily fit three beers into the drink holders in the tool tray… you know, for those really long repairs, or just the times you’re double-fisting it. If your repair takes more than three beers… well, just make sure you don’t do this:

The only downside to this setup? I couldn’t find an integrated bottle opener anywhere on the stand, but with a tool box nearby chances are opening your beer won’t be a big problem.
Classic Repair Stand MSRP: $199.95, but several websites sell it for $159.95.
Tool Tray MSRP: $32.99.
Many thanks to Feedback Sports for sending over the Classic Repair Stand and Tool Tray for review!
Jul 28, 2013
Jul 28, 2013
Jul 28, 2013
Good article, great stands.
Jul 28, 2013
Jul 30, 2013
Haven't taken the stand out of the box or bought a frame. Guess I should get on that. I'll let you know how the stand works one of these days...
Jul 29, 2013
Jul 29, 2013