Somehow I missed this one back in February but apparently a software engineer in Dublin, Ireland invented a bicycle that can be ridden sideways. The BBC News did a good write up about the bike and the article even includes video of a rider demonstrating the bike.
The chief advantage of a sideways bicycle seems to be the improved turning radius since the rider is able to turn both the front and back wheels. The prototype doesn’t appear to be off-road ready but think about the possibilities… Tight maneuvering through narrow, twisty singletrack; fewer sticks getting caught in your deraileur; jealous looks from fellow riders. But then again there are disadvantages like the fact that you’re constantly looking to the side to see where you’re going and if you fall on the side of the trail you’ll be doing a face plant in the dirt. According to the inventor only about 6 out of 10 people are even able to ride one of these things so the market is a bit limited already.