Goggles are good at keeping dust and wind out of the eyes on the mountain bike trail, but they can be hot, heavy, and uncomfortable. Sunglasses, on the other hand, don’t typically offer the same amount of coverage or the ability to block out the elements as well as a solid pair of goggs.

100% showed off their new Glendale sunglasses at Interbike, and today we’re finally (officially) able to report on them. These are big shades and they’re certainly not as lightweight as other performance glases, but they do provide a ton of coverage. Pricing and availability are TBD.

Smith has their own version of sun-goggs called they Wildcat. The lenses are swappable, and Smith includes both a shaded and clear lens in the box. Pricing is set at $199, with an addtional clear lens available for $40, or a ChromaPop lens for $80.
For some, “performance” mountain bike glasses tend to look a little too cyborg, or a little too road-bike. These sun-goggs promise to offer similar performance, but in a more mountain bike specific style.