Sedona mountain bike tourists have a new “adventure and activity center” to visit, and it looks like it’s made to suit any rider’s needs. The Trail House at Enchantment Resort was created by Tracy Tang Limpe and Dana Tang who sought to more greatly connect guests with the environment.
“Trail House acts as a gateway to the landscape and environment, culture and history of the area,” says Dana Tang, of Gluckman Tang Architects, the building’s architect. “It stands both in honor and in celebration of this place.”
Tang is also a mountain biker and much of the Trail House was inspired by her experience. “You have to ride in Sedona to understand how meaningful and enriching the experience can be,” says Tang.

Enchantment Resort also has guides under their employ, and they say many have worked for the Forest Service in the past. Guides can help visitors with their own exploration and add insight to the terrain, geology, and wildlife. Guided rides start at $175 for the first rider, and $150 each for additional riders in the same party. Most of the offered guided rides are around two hours long, and they are available for all skill levels.
There are also private mountain bike excursions and rides led by Enchantment’s Native American guide who shares the traditions and culture of the Apache. The resort is using a portion from each guided adventure to donate to the Boynton Canyon Foundation, helping with the long-term preservation of the trails and ecosystem in Sedona.

The Trail House has a Map Room, which orients visitors to the trails, flora, and fauna in the area, and Native American history. Tang designed the house to feel like an art gallery. Also inside the Trail House is a bike shop and retail shop, which sells items from brands like Patagonia, Club Ride, and Zoic. Enchantment Resort features dining options and a spa as well.
The Trail House is open now. With options and amenities this well thought out that reflect not only the mountain biking in Sedona, but the culture and history, the experience isn’t cheap. See the Enchantment Resort for more information.
Nov 6, 2020
Nov 6, 2020