It’s gettin’ hot in here. So what’s in your water bottle? Many of us like to switch things up, or carry different drinks in different bottles (or cans, or reservoirs), so answer with the go-to drink you bring for those one-bottle rides.
Bonus question for the comments: What’s one things you NEVER drink during a ride?
May 23, 2022
May 22, 2022
May 22, 2022
May 22, 2022
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
I ask because lately, I get a pretty bad headache after a ride. I usually just drink water so I’ve tried things like drinking more water, Gatorade instead of water, eating something small like a banana before the ride or eating it immediately after, protein shake right after, etc., but nothing has helped so far.
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
As you lose salt through sweat you need to replace it. Salt also helps you to absorb and retain more water.
I use scratch labs green tea mix in both bottles (one packet divided between the two). The extra carbs help to maintain my energy level in races/rides, but the main benefit is for prevention of cramps. This particular formula is only mildly sweet so it does not make my stomach churn.
When I get home I do NOT want to consume more simple sugars (even though the mix I use is low sugar... I've had enough.) I will just have water with lime juice and sea salt. This will get rid of that dehydration/headache/insomnia after big rides. (You ever feel you need to drink so much water it keeps you up all night to pee, yet you never feel recovered? More salt.)
May 24, 2022
May 18, 2023
Jun 2, 2022
I always use 2 bottles one H2O and the other electrolytes. But I try to drink water and electrolytes a lot day before I know I am doing 10 or more miles. Hydrate well morning of.
May 23, 2022
May 22, 2022