No matter how devoted we are to our sport of mountain biking, there are times when the enthusiasm wanes. I’m not just talking about the odd “I really don’t feel like riding today” feeling–that will pass by the time we get a good night’s sleep and the sun rises again, but rather the more extended “riding’s just not turning my cranks” version. It would seem natural to think that if the desire isn’t there, just let it be and do something else; but the lack of desire is odd and can be a little disturbing, as if a part of you is missing. Here are a dozen prescriptions for those times when the jaded rider isn’t really motivated, but wants to be:
1. Upgrade Your Bike’s Components

Of course you can’t go out and buy a new Mojo every time you lose your mojo, so a much more practical approach is to make your bike like new. Treat your bike (and yourself) to a new component. Don’t yet have a dropper post? Get one. Lighten up one or more of your components. Slap on some new grips color coded to match your frame. Stuck in a clipless rut? Slap on some flat pedals and learn to ride all over again. Or alternatively, freshen up yourself; get a new pair of bike shorts or a cool new helmet. Just having a new jersey may get you over the hump.
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2. Give your Bike some TLC
There’s so many little things you can do to liven up your relationship with your bike, and they need not cost you a penny. If nothing else, just give it a good cleaning. Wash every little nook and cranny; get out the toothbrush and run it between every cog. Lube everything including the stanchions on your fork and any other moving parts you can find. Like Jane Goodall’s chimps, a little “social grooming” can be very bonding. A little TLC won’t make your bike new, but it will make it feel new. After this exercise, I guarantee you’ll be stoked to take it out again.
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3. Lighten Up! Try Night Riding

In a previous article, I wrote about how riding at night is a completely new and different experience. If you don’t have lights for night riding, get some.
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4. Go Ride a New (to you) Mountain Bike Trail

This is my all time favorite, and a sure-fire technique for getting me happily back in the saddle. Exploration is an adventure unto itself, and doing it on the bike is my go-to path to getting back my mountain biking mojo. No matter where you live, there’s probably a trail or two (or 50) within a day trip that you have yet to sink your knobbies into. Maybe you’re just in a rut riding the same ol’ same ol’ over and over again. Branch out! Ride a new trail. Ride a different kind of trail. Ride a trail just a little outside your comfort zone, or ride a stupid easy trail but do it fast, or do silly, playful things on it. Just do something new! Variety is indeed the spice of trail life.
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5. Take a Mountain Bike Trip

Whether it’s a week’s vacation to a major mountain biking mecca or just a weekend trip to a regional hot spot, tossing your rig on the rack and driving somewhere with a variety of trails and a real bike culture can really put the zing back in your riding. No matter where you live, there will be a place within a few hours where you can immerse yourself in the mountain biking lifestyle for a refresher course in fun.
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6. Invite a Friend Mountain Biking

If you usually ride solo, find a friend to ride with. If you usually ride with a friend, ride with someone different. It can even be beneficial to ride with someone significantly more/less fit/skilled than yourself. A better rider will encourage you to push yourself physically and/or technically. On the other hand, riding with a noob can help you see the trail with that wonder you had way back when you first started riding yourself.
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