Early in my career as an Air Force officer, I received some very useful advice. My colonel told me, “Lieutenant, don’t just bring me a problem, bring me a solution as well.” This wise philosophy applies to just about everything in life. Yesterday, I told you about 10 trails that are grossly overrated and worthy of you keeping your expectations in check should you still bother to seek them out. In the interest of providing other solutions, today I will tell you about alternatives you may wish to seek out should you be looking for a hidden gem rather than an overworked old horse.
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Granite Basin, Prescott, AZ

Arizona has no shortage of great mountain biking destinations. Most mountain bikers have heard of the glories of Sedona, the many offerings around Phoenix, the year-round riding around Tucson, and the cool mountains of Flagstaff. Meanwhile, equally well endowed Prescott seems to get slighted time after time. The quantity, quality, and variety of singletrack surrounding this unfairly neglected destination is actually quite astounding.
Among the many offerings is the Granite Basin trail network, a gorgeous intermediate paradise of trails looping through scenic forests and rock formations. A confident novice can come here and have a marvelous time while a hammerhead can put on some mileage in the most pleasant of surroundings, and both will love the topography. This is the perfect introduction to riding the paths less traveled in northern Arizona.
Apr 11, 2017
Apr 11, 2017
Let me know when you get back to CO. Ill meet you there....these Fruita trails look like a blast....
Apr 18, 2017
Apr 11, 2017
Apr 11, 2017
And yes, Greens is my fave, but the cat's already out of the bag on that one. Part of the joy of Agate is it's also the one descent you're likely to have to yourself.
Apr 12, 2017
But over 1/2 of everyone I've taken on it won't do it again. I think it's because they think it's gonna be a DH and they get worked on it.
I love that I've cleared everything on it, but never on the same ride--there's always a challenge there.
Apr 15, 2017