10 Trails You Like More Than Me – 2017 Edition

Wilkins Peak, Green River, WY I’ll close with another “this is a good trail, but #1 in the state?” example. While most of Wyoming is windswept plains (no, people, it’s not all Yellowstone National Park, that’s just one tiny corner of the state), those pockets of amazing topography hold some awesome examples of rugged and …

Wilkins Peak, Green River, WY

This is the #1 trail in the great state of Wyoming? (photo: candyrapper)
This is the #1 trail in the great state of Wyoming? (photo: candyrapper)

I’ll close with another “this is a good trail, but #1 in the state?” example. While most of Wyoming is windswept plains (no, people, it’s not all Yellowstone National Park, that’s just one tiny corner of the state), those pockets of amazing topography hold some awesome examples of rugged and beautiful singletrack. Whether it’s the Jackson Hole area in the northwest, the Bighorn Mountains near Buffalo, the Snowy Range in the Southeast, or any of a number of smaller, less-well-known ranges, Wyoming has a long list of top shelf rides. So I’m at a loss to understand a #1 ranking for the Wilkins Peak trails.

To be fair, the locals here have done an amazing job carving singletrack into the hills above Green River, and have effectively made use of available terrain features. But let’s face it: this is some dusty, barren, and yes, horribly windswept country. Ride here midsummer, and you’d do well to dress like a north African Bedouin, wrapped in robes and face coverings to fend off the blowing sand and protect your skin from the blazing unfiltered sun. Ride here in the fall or spring and plan to do the same, just with many more layers for warmth. Ride here in the Winter? Fuggeddaboutit!

The locals, God love ’em, are rightfully proud of what they’e done, and they deserve tons of credit. But #1 trail in the state?  Fuggeddaboutit!

Your turn: What trails do you like less than your buddies or the mountain bike community at large, and why?  Tell us in the comments section below:

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