Cuyuna Lakes, Ironton, MN
![Cuyuna Lakes' delightful Sidewinder Trail. Too bad it's over with in the blink of an eye. (photo: Mark Larson)](
This is another fine trail, but again, #1 in the state? Actually, given it’s history, Cuyuna Lakes is more than just a trail system, it’s a major accomplishment. To take a strip-mined area and turn it into an outdoor playground is a fantastic thing. So what’s the problem?
Like Rampart Reservoir covered at the beginning of this article, most of it is the artificiality. All those strip mine holes have filled in nicely with water, making these marvelously deep blue… and totally artificial-looking lakes. This is Minnesota, “Land of 10,000 lakes.” There are plenty of far more beautiful lakes at every turn throughout the area.
The other problem is the short duration of the climbs and descents. Yes, this is the Midwest, and I’m not expecting big vertical, but much bigger can be found just up the road in Duluth. Some of the descents at Cuyuna are very amusing… so long as they last, which isn’t long. Just about when I get into the flow, it’s over. I guess the good news is the climb back up also goes quickly, but it ends up making for a rather repetitious experience. If you really want to put in some miles at Cuyuna, you’re going to end up repeating yourself… a lot… even if you continually take different trail segments.
Apr 13, 2017
Apr 14, 2017
Apr 13, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Cuyuna is short ups and downs. Sorry, we only have so much vertical. We can't do anything about that.
But... there are two ways to ride Cuyuna. One is string together trails into a "tour" so you move trail to trail. The other is to session trails or groups of trails. What I've found is that those that complain about Cuyuna's "shortness" do the latter. Look at our big race in the fall, we string together a contiguous loop of 25+ miles trails without repeats or dropping any trail. So if you come here to sesson downhills, yeah, Cuyuna might not be your jam. If you are hear to ride a continuous loop, it's pretty rockin'.
The one other thing I will add here is that we at Cuyuna aim to be a "family friendly" destination. Much of our success comes from the fact that 1-2 mile long individual trails vs. a 9 mile beat down trail is better if you are herding a gaggle of kids. Someone gets tired, you can head back to the car easily. You aren't 3 miles into the bush trying to get a crying 10 yr. old out.
We are adding nearly 4 miles of trail this year, the largest skills area in the Midwest and next year we are adding more trails, including a 9 mile long advanced beat down single-loop trail. If pucker-inducing bomb tracks are your thing, Cuyuna might never be the best. If you want a place where the other parent and kids or domestic partner can have some fun while you scare the bejeebers out of yourself and everyone can meet back at the kiosk in 15 minutes, Cuyuna is the best.
Apr 10, 2017
I'm guessing what you missed was looking at the trail map as a bunch of trails instead of looking at how this trail relates to that trail. Things will get better after this year, as part of the new mileage, we are reworking many trails to reduce confusing intersections.
Apr 10, 2017
Appreciate the input! It seemed to me that combining the various Cuyuna venues into one big loop would require a good deal of connecting on paved paths; did I miss something? In any case, it's great to hear about the future plans.
Apr 10, 2017
Interesting to read your assessment of the McKenzie River Trail. I have fond memories of riding it, but for everything you said... it all rang true. The one thing that didn't leave as bad of a taste in my mouth was the hiker traffic. I also hit it mid-week, which I think helped--but even then, there were quite a few hikers out and about. While I get that you're not saying this trail sucked overall, just that you don't agree with it's ranking in OR, I still personally think it's a must-ride trail! But will I do it again?? ...probably not.
Re: CAMBA cable cluster: I had the exact same experience when I rode there. That was quite a few years ago, so I had hoped it had changed for the better--guess not. Again, CAMBA is close to family, so I'm hoping to hit it again soon.
Sounds like I've gotta get a Midwest road trip of my own under way!
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Thanks for all your work on Piedmont! I really enjoyed that system--it has a cool, old school vibe to it and you can get a real workout and have some techy fun along the way. I love how it is easily combined with Brewer, which is more modern and has cleverly incorporated some natural features. The two together make for great variety and tons o' fun.
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
As far as the CAMBA trails, I definitely prefer the Namakagon Cluster, which includes the Rock Lake Epic, over the Cable Cluster... but if one wanted to you could ride a nice route from Cable all the way down through Mosquito Brook to the Hatchery Creek trailhead, and back. There's definitely a lot of good riding up there and I highly recommend picking up a set of the latest maps at one of the bike shops in the area.
There's a lot of great riding within 3 hours drive of Minneapolis/St. Paul, so if you are planning a long day trip, or even a long weekend to hit a bunch of new stuff to an area you aren't familiar with, there's no shortage of options depending on the weather.
If you decide to make it to either system Greg definitely hit me up and I'll see if I can meet up with you.
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
I can see his point with Camba. It's a big area with lots of trails. But there's also a criss-cross of ski trails, logging roads, etc and it's intimidating and you'll likely pedal some non-singletrack no matter your route. But if you do lots of research and planning (very little cell phone coverage and signage isn't the easiest) you can spend several days here riding great trail in primo national forest or make one really awesome ride. I usually look at the course maps of events and cross-reference with photos I've seen to make some awesome routes.
But he's right on about Duluth! Lift riding, awesome trails, flow, tech, big rocks, features and awesome summer riding weather and a cool city that loves mountain biking means you can pretty much do any kind of riding there. So if you need a huge variety of riding styles and gravity Duluth is the only logical place in the midwest not in the UP of Michigan.
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
I built with the CAMBA crew a few years ago, and it was a great experience, but my main reason for thinking it might be overrated is the lack of some more technical features. the system definitely caters to a type; xc racers. We were able to build the trail Danky Dank with some creative license, building jumps, rock features, drops and the likes. I know the terrain doesn't work terribly well for much other style of trail besides fast, flowy, and smooth, but it does get boring.
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 13, 2017
I have never done McKenzie but have spend time in Oakridge and Ashland (awesome). I was planning on doing McKenzie in June and still will, but I'm glad to read your article and not get too hyped. Perhaps I will be surprised now with lower expectations.
A couple of trails I think are over-rated are the Flume Trail in Incline Nevada. Views are great, but sandy trails are not too fun. The Tahoe Rim Trail that parallels it at the ridge line is far better. The Slickrock Trail in Moab UT is and different, but nothing I'd particularly would need to do again. I was a little disappointed.
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 25, 2017
A few things you should know:
Last summer we completely revised the maps for the Cable-Seeley-Hayward and Namakagon trail clusters. We think you'll find them much easier to use. Our 100+ miles of singletrack stand out clearly on the maps.
This summer we will be installing a new generation of "You are Here" maps at all trail intersections.
We're now very actively in the process of upgrading trail signage to complement the new maps. Clear and consistent signage that makes it easy to stay on course when you're out on the trail is our goal. It's a big job that we hope to have completed by next summer.
BTW - the CAMBA trails are all on county and federal forest land so there aren't any housing developments going up along our trails.
Not much we can do about the humidity other than to say it's usually cooler here in the northwoods than other places you may ride.
The bulk of our trails fall in an intermediate range, but there is technical challenge on the Rock Lake Trail, Danky Dank and parts of Esker & Ojibwe. Otherwise we’re keen on giving people a solid cross country experience that varies from narrow old school to open and flowing.
Give us another shot and check out some of the long uninterrupted singletrack between Hayward and Seeley, Seeley to Cable and Cable to Namakagon. We think there's a lot to like here for any rider!
Feb 19, 2018
Apr 10, 2017
Avalon area is the worst part of Patapsco. The trails are too wide, the hills aren't steep enough. It is highly rated because it is near two big cities and lots of beginners ride there. Hilton, Daniels, Woodstock, and McKeldin areas are all within a few miles of Avalon, and are better, with steeper pitches and narrower singletrack.
Apr 11, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Thanks for the info. Wish I had known that when I lived in NoVa. I was told McKeldin, for instance, was all doubletrack.
Apr 10, 2017
I agree with you on Cuyuna. It's ranking is artificial. This is a fun trail but it has to be repeated. Duluth has enough trails for a long weekend and could be even more once Duluth Traverse will be finished.
About humidity in Wisconsin, its best to be ridden in Spring and Fall. It does take time to navigate Cable cluster, but that's a part of the game I guess.
I think, there's one trail should be added to your list - Buffalo Creek in CO. It's a good system, especially Black Jack and Raspberry Jack. But overrated. There're better trails that deserve to be #1. Although it's my subjective opinion.
Apr 12, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Oh, great, now there's another ride I have to add to my already too-long list!
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
Apr 10, 2017
I can see that. I really run hot and cold with regard to Buff Creek. Sometimes i go there and wonder what all the fuss is about. Sometimes I go there and have the time of my life. Blackjack and Raspberry are excellent additions that really up the variety and keep the area from just being pure xc riding, but no matter where you start from, there's a lot of xc to get there and then it turns full on double diamond. The area seems to lack anything in between. Other newer additions, like Nice Kitty have really improved loop opportunities without having to incorporate roads.