WHAT: The “Detailed Proposed Action in Support of the Need to Change Items in the Notice of Intent for Forest Plan Revision for the Inyo, Sequoia and Sierra National Forests” is open for public comment.
WHEN: Until September 29
WHO: You! Please take the time to comment, as mountain bike access in the Sierras could be affected positively or adversely.
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT: Although covering just three National Forests, the plan specifically addresses the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) as it passes through those forests–and adjacent areas. This plan could be precedent-setting in either a very good or a very bad way. As currently written, it is definitely not good for MTB access.
The 1988 ban on bikes on the PCT was legally implemented as a temporary closure, but became permanent without serious pubic comment or review. Only two of the three USFS managers who signed the closure are still living, and both have said they believe that decision should be revisited. This plan would put in place the mechanism to revisit that decision and either give it legal and statutory legitimacy, or reverse it.
Now is the time to have our voice heard and push to regain the access we had until 1988 when the ill-advised and legally questionable bike ban was implemented.
Moreover, the plan as it is currently written, seeks to limit MTB access on trails which cross the PCT. This could cause the loss of current access to some of the continent’s most desired singletrack, especially in the Lake Tahoe area.
Here is a link to the plan. Specific mention of management of mountain bikes in/around the PCT corridor may be found on pages 59-60.
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If you’re looking for things to say, or would just rather cut and paste than burn brain cells coming up with something original, visit the Sharing the PCT Facebook page where some good writers have penned key points which you may use.
Sep 18, 2014
Now I'm going to be daydreaming about biking the PCT all day...