Ernie Rodriguez is the president of MORE, the Mid Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts. MORE has been around since 1992 and the group maintains and advocates for trails in Maryland, Virginia, and the Washington, DC area.
- Why and how did MORE get its start? Did it start as more of a social club, or were there advocacy concerns in the early 1990s?
- How is MORE organized?
- How did you become the president of MORE?
- How is MORE funded?
- What is the relationship between MORE and IMBA?
- What are some of the more popular trails your group supports?
- Which trail projects are you the most proud to have helped support?
- Is there any opposition to mountain bike trail access in the region?
- What does the current discussion around e-bike trail access look like for MORE?
- What’s the biggest constraint MORE faces in carrying out and growing the mission?
- What’s next for MORE in 2023 and beyond?
Connect with MORE at more-mtb.org.
May 16, 2023
Speaking as one of the many MORE Liaisons - I'm incredibly grateful for the support the organization provides. I "dreamt" a lot of stuff and MORE really enabled #TeamLS and helped us make it happen at Locust Shade.
May 17, 2023