Graham Tracey had a great post on his blog about ice bike racing and how lazy alot of us mountain bikers become in the winter. (by the way, Graham’s blog, Go Clipless, is really great – check it out if you haven’t seen it yet). In the south you always hear rumors of people “somewhere” putting screws in their tires and racing on snow and ice but to most of us down here, even driving in an inch of the white stuff is nearly preposterous. But this isn’t about ice bike racing.
After reading Graham’s blog I was inspired to get out this weekend and brave the 40 degree temperatures (don’t laugh Colorado readers) to hit the trails. Leah and I went out to Little River for the first time in months and ended up having a blast. It took a bit to get warmed up and our toes stayed frozen for most of the ride but other than that, it was little different from summer riding (minus the crowds). Really the hardest part about getting on the bike was that first step out of the car.
The crazy thing was how fast it felt on the trails since we had been riding the trainer indoors for the past few weeks. Definitely one of the more fun rides in the past 12 months on a trail I had previously written off as “boring and predictable.” Anyway, stop making excuses and get out there, winter riding ain’t as bad as you might think.