Many mountain bike trail grand openings have been put on hold indefinitely, and even trail building efforts have slowed considerably over the past few weeks. As a result, we expect a surge of delayed trails to come online later this spring and summer.
One new trail that managed to open just before everything shut down is the 5.4-mile Falcon Flow trail in Moab, Utah. Falcon Flow is the first trail of three to be completed as part of the Raptor Route which extends the popular Whole Enchilada route. The idea is to keep riders off Sand Flats Road as much as possible, and to add even more singletrack to this epic descent.
Do you know of a mountain bike trail that opened in March? Please be sure to add the info here and let us know about it in the comments below!
Mar 31, 2020
Apr 7, 2020
Apr 7, 2020
Be sure to add the info to Singletracks here: https://www.singletracks.com/add.php?type=i&c=1
Apr 2, 2020