New Year’s Day is always a mixed bag of feelings as I reflect on the year gone by and look forward to the year ahead. As for the year ahead, I always look for ways to make it grander than the one gone by. 2015, while not necessarily grander than 2014, was at least more interesting. I had hoped to ride many more new-to-me trails than I did, but the ones I did get to ride had greater geographical diversity than usual. So while this year’s list has some of the usual suspects from my haunts in the four corners states, it also manages to hit Southern California, the Northern Rockies, and even the Upper Midwest. Variety was indeed the spice of life in 2015. Of somewhere around 50 new “discoveries,” here’s the cream of my new singletrack crop, the top 15 of ’15.
Hangover, Sedona

Sedona’s Hangover Trail can be described in three words: Ex. Po. Zhure. I know there are more exposed routes on the planet, but none of them are considered legitimate routes open to the general public.
The Hangover Trail takes the idea of bench cut to the extreme. As you make the counterclockwise loop, the left handlebar is banging the red rock face on the left while the right handlebar is hanging over the edge of a cliff. Then you get to dodge the occasional pinion tree, all while being distracted by panoramic views of the planet’s most gorgeous red rock scenery. It’s not for the faint of heart, but should be on every biker’s bucket list.
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 5, 2016
Jan 5, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
A few add-ons:
1. I had completely forgotten that Kyle bloodied his knee on that ride. Good eye there!
2. I think I've rocked that Colorado Jersey in about 20 states and a couple Canadian Provinces. (maybe it's time for me to bring it international -- like maybe Mongolia!)
3. There was indeed some serious route finding required on the East Tensleep ride. At one point, the trail emerged from the woods into a park where any semblance of trail disappeared. I had to circumnavigate the park looking for any telltale signs of a trail reentering the woods . That ride was pretty high on the adventure scale (I even saw a really BIG bull moose courting a nearly as big cow).
Jan 6, 2016
In reality, a Mongolia trip is unlikely--but it certainly is enticing. It's right up my alley to get out and ride trails most others would never consider. Thanks for the offer -- I've loved the pics you've posted from this part of the world few know anything about.
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 5, 2016