Copper Harbor Trails, Copper Harbor

Copper Harbor is a truly unique place. Built on a dramatic ridge at the extreme tip of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the views of Lake Superior are stunning, and there’s nothing of this grandeur anywhere between Rockies and the Appalachians. As great as the geography is, the trails are just as impressive. I’m not generally a fan of man-made stunts, but the trail designers here didn’t go too nuts with them and they did a nice job of building them “into” the scenery rather than over the top of it. Where available, natural features are incorporated as well.
South Marquette Trails, South Marquette

South Marquette is another “something for everyone” trail network. More importantly, though, is the fact that there’s plenty for everybody, and something of high quality for everyone. It’s a cross country rider’s paradise with multiple loops available through lush woods, but there are also major features and flow built into various trails scattered across the system. What this means is that anybody can tailor an outstanding route to fit his personal skill level and mood for that day, and come back time and time again and still find something fresh.
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 5, 2016
Jan 5, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
A few add-ons:
1. I had completely forgotten that Kyle bloodied his knee on that ride. Good eye there!
2. I think I've rocked that Colorado Jersey in about 20 states and a couple Canadian Provinces. (maybe it's time for me to bring it international -- like maybe Mongolia!)
3. There was indeed some serious route finding required on the East Tensleep ride. At one point, the trail emerged from the woods into a park where any semblance of trail disappeared. I had to circumnavigate the park looking for any telltale signs of a trail reentering the woods . That ride was pretty high on the adventure scale (I even saw a really BIG bull moose courting a nearly as big cow).
Jan 6, 2016
In reality, a Mongolia trip is unlikely--but it certainly is enticing. It's right up my alley to get out and ride trails most others would never consider. Thanks for the offer -- I've loved the pics you've posted from this part of the world few know anything about.
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 5, 2016