Trail Flow is a roundup of all the mountain bike trail related news of the week including new trail builds, advocacy, and planning. Do you have trail news? Email [email protected] for possible inclusion.
Trails open at Tippogoree Hills
George Town, Tasmania
Last week the George Town Trails group announced the opening of new trails at Tippogoree Hills. “We’re opening three new trails descending from the very top of the the Tipp Hills! Yes, that’s right – three new trails! Rickerty Split, Slab Hunter, and the top section of Himbugs & Haystacks.” Riders can choose to take a shuttle to the top or ride up the service road to access the new descents.
Mountain bikers could regain access to State Line Trail in Idaho
Elk City, Idaho
A Draft Record of Decision from the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest could give mountain bikers access to a 7-mile segment of the State Line Trail that roughly follows the border between Idaho and Montana. In 2012 bikers lost access to portions of the trail in Idaho which severely limited rides along the full route. The proposed change would re-open Divide Trail #738, excluding it from a proposed Wilderness area.
“This 150-foot corridor area will continue to be managed as not suitable for summer motorized use, but is suitable for mechanized use, allowing for bicycle and mountain biking opportunities along the State Line trail,” according to the draft.
Trails plans approved
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
City officials approved plans to improve the trails at City Wells park, including the addition of 3.5 miles of new singletrack. CORBA will add signage and maps to the trails and as a part of the process will decommission some of the existing social trails.
Devou Park is adding three miles of singletrack
Covington, Kentucky
Dirt Artisans Trail Building has been contracted to construct three miles of fresh singletrack in Devou Park, bringing the total mileage to 15. The project is expected to cost around $150,000 and should be open by the end of the year.