Featuring thousands of trails all around the world, the Singletracks trail database is your first stop for MTB trail research and trip planning. Singletracks’ millions of readers use these listings every day to plan everything from their next day trip, to their annual MTB vacation.
We analyzed our 2016 data to determine exactly which trails Singletracks readers were most stoked to visit. These 20 mountain bike trails in our database received the most traffic last year. If you’re looking to expand your “My Trails” list in 2017, you can’t go wrong with any on this list:
20. Flat Rock Ranch, Comfort, Texas

While not the best trail system in the nation, Flat Rock Ranch has garnered high acclaim amongst Texas mountain bikers thanks to its challenging 20 miles of rocky trails and its proximity to both Austin and San Antonio.
“Awesome place to ride/camp. The trails are divided into a lower and upper loop. The lower loop is full of fun long downhill segments with steep and sometimes super technical climbs.
The upper loop is slightly more technical with long rock gardens and more abundant drops and steep downhills. They are currently adding more singletrack to the upper loop that will add another downhill section.
All the trails are directional so you can go at your own pace without worrying about hitting someone head-on.
I highly recommend this place!” -macdo159
19. Forks Area Trail System (FATS), Clarks Hill, South Carolina

FATS, as it’s affectionately called, has gained a reputation across the Southeast as one of the must-ride trail systems that mountain bikers need to check off their bucket list. While the 40-some miles of singletrack may be nontechnical and don’t offer much in the way of elevation change, the incredible swoop and flow will keep any mountain biker entertained!
“Great Fun! An amazing FLOW trail that offers tons of fun. Several options from the trailhead. Great Wall is a fast trail. Brown Wave is fun but a bit more work. Deep Steep and Skinny Loop were my favorite. Offers lots of fast, flowing pump-style riding that just takes you for a great ride! So fast and so much air, I thought I was going to blast off of the trail at times. I look forward to returning to this trail whenever I am in the area!” -MTBCrash29
18. Dupont State Forest, Brevard, North Carolina

Dupont is home to some 80+ miles of mountain bike trails, including one of the best flow trails in the nation and legit East Coast slickrock. Simply put, this is one of the best trail systems anywhere–period!
“This place is like riding a dream… a singletrack in the heart of Middle Earth. Everything here… all pretty mild on the technical side but LOTS of fun flowy stuff. The slickrock sections feel like [you’re] riding on the moon. We rode the big boy loop which was about 40ish miles around the whole park… saw several waterfalls and creek crossings… lots of climbing, but the payback is awesome. Enjoy.” -cavedweller
17. Copper Harbor, Michigan

Home to built-up features and miles and miles of flowy, chunky, and generally entertaining singletrack, Copper Harbor is on the radars of most mountain bikers thanks to rad video edits like this one, and articles like our “10 Best US Destinations for a Weekend Mountain Bike Getaway.”
“It’s far away but there is NOTHING like Copper Harbor. The UP is so scenic and you really get the feel of it all in Copper Harbor. Great little town right on Lake Superior with some AWESOME trails. VERY well worth it!!!” -Colton Lock
16. Chicopee Woods, Gainesville, Georgia

Home to 20+ miles of flowy, rooty singletrack, Chicopee Woods is a hotspot for mountain biking in North Central Georgia, thanks in part to the ease of access to the trailhead, and the approachability of the not-too-intimidating trails.
“This is one of my most favorite trails to ride. It can be as long or short as you want. It is well-marked, and daily directional so that the ride you do on Monday will differ some from the ride you do on Tuesday.
My favorite portion on the trail is the Flying Squirrel. It’s a smooth, fast downhill that is an absolute blast. Of course, if you go down that means you must go up, and the uphill is a good workout and challenge.
Be prepared to get a good cardio workout, and lookout for the roots (there’s a ton of them). This is a great trail, and it is well maintained. Definitely a gem in Oakwood.” -Krash Bar
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Jan 11, 2017