The BBC reports the Tweed Valley in Scotland could be developed into a killer mountain biking destination, provided adequate chairlifts are installed. Currently about 8,000 mountain bikers ride in Innerleithen but officials predict more than 25,000 mountain bikers might come if a chairlift were installed.
So let me get this straight: there are about 8,000 mountain bikers who are willing to ride their bikes in the Scottish Borders area but about 17,000 more bikers are just too lazy to do it unless they get a push up the hill? Interesting research, I wonder if we can conclude that 17 out of 25 mountain bikers (68%) are lazy riders?
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good downhill (because really, that’s what mountain biking is about) and I’ve even been known to ride the chairs once or twice. But I’m also not going to pass up a great ride just because a trail has some climbing involved. To me downhill tastes so much sweeter when it’s well earned.

Mar 15, 2011
Feb 18, 2007
Jul 30, 2010