Mountain biking for more than a couple hours usually requires taking in some calories along the way, and there are plenty of convenient options.
Mountain biking for more than a couple hours usually requires taking in some calories along the way, and there are plenty of convenient options.
Jun 22, 2020
If I'm doing a multilap endurance race, my favorite is peanut butter sandwiches (dark chocolate preferred). If a single lap, Hammer Perpetuem seems to work, or whatever is on course. I'm not picky.
For regular rides, I like some sort of granola or breakfast bar from the grocery store, whatever is on the clearance rack.
Yesterday I rode the bike park all day, but skipped the chair lift and pedaled up. I ate a ton of hummus and crackers, cinnamon rolls, and apple turnovers (10,000 feet on a 40 pound E29).
Jun 21, 2020
Aug 2, 2020
Jun 21, 2020
Jun 22, 2020
Jun 24, 2020
Jun 23, 2020
Jun 21, 2020