I don’t have dogs of my own, but every time we go hiking and many times when we’re gone biking, Adelle and I take her dogs, Autumn and Norbert with us. I’ve also biked with other friends’ dogs, and out here in Western Colorado we regularly see people out on the trails with their four-legged friends.
Dogs seem to love biking. Every time I see a dog out on the trail he/she has that doggie smile on its face and is happily trotting along beside its human biker. Biking with a dog is not something to take lightly, however. It takes patience and a little extra work to make it all possible.
Here are 5 tips for biking with your four-legged friend:
1. Know your dog’s ability.
Autumn is getting older and she can’t run as far or as fast as she used to. We know that if we want to take her biking, she can go about 3 miles before she starts to get tired. Autumn loves biking, though, so we do still take her on some short after-work rides. I have a friend, though, whose younger dog is very fit. Rojo can run with his owner for a few hours before he starts to run out of steam.
It’s not just old vs. young that can affect a dog’s ability. One friend’s dog has shorter legs, even though she’s a medium sized dog, and she just can’t run that fast. She loves to go, but we often have to stop and wait for Maggie to catch up… and she always does!
Test your dog out on some short bike rides and see how he or she seems to feel afterwards and the next day. If the dog seems to still be ready for more, then gradually extend the rides you take them on. If you have any questions, check with your veterinarian.
2. Take care of your dog’s feet.
Autumn, as you can see in the photo above, wears “Ruffwear” booties when we bike. She actually loves them because she knows they keep her feet from hurting. We learned the hard way that her feet are just too sensitive to go without them. Norbert, Adelle’s beagle, has very tough pads on his feet and doesn’t need booties. Each dog is different, and some dogs hate the booties so much that you’ll never get them to keep them on. Just keep an eye out for limping, and make sure to check their paws after a ride for cactus needles or small cuts.

3. Take extra water and snacks.
When we’re out on rides (or hikes) and stop for a snack, we make sure to give the dogs snacks too. They’ve been working just as hard, if not harder, than us! We both also share water with the dogs. You can train a lot of dogs to lap water as you spray it out of your hydration hose (they don’t touch the hose), or you can take a collapsible water bowl with you and spray water into that. Better yet, bike near a water source! Always have more water available back at the car, especially if you’ve taken the dogs on a long ride.
This is just one of many great collapsible water bowls. The small version only weighs 4oz!
4. Train, train, train.
Taking a dog biking doesn’t just happen overnight. I’ve asked Adelle many times how she got these two, especially a beagle, to be such great bike dogs. Autumn will run right by your back tire, but she never gets in your way and she always knows when to move. Norbert loves to sprint ahead. Still, he always comes back, and stays clear of bike tires.
Adelle says she started by bribing the dogs (ok, rewarding), and it still works. Last year while we were biking we saw a herd of Pronghorn antelope on a hillside. Norbert looked at them, but instead of chasing after them he stayed right by us and was rewarded with a treat. This works–with him, at least–every time.
Adelle also started off by biking with each dog around her neighborhood, with the dog on a leash. This seems like a scary thing to do, but I see people do it all the time. The dogs learned how to be around the bike without being afraid of it or trying to bite it. Now they’re used to people on bikes.
It takes time to get a dog used to being around a bike, running with a bike, and getting out of the way of others on bikes as well. But with patience and some positive reinforcement, it can be done!

5. Clean up!
Please clean up after your dog. At our Lunch Loop trailheads we have doggie poop bags available, but you should always make sure to stash a plastic bag in your backpack. Whether it’s the bag your newspaper came in, a plastic grocery bag, or something else, you’ve got one around. Keep those with you and use them! No one wants to run through dog poop on their bike, or while hiking or running for that matter. If you’re making a loop, then leave the bag and come back for it. Otherwise, try keeping a ziploc to store that dirty bag in and stick it in an outside pocket of your pack. Sure it sounds a little gross, but trust me, poop from the trail flying up in my face because I have no way of avoiding it is gross too.
Biking with your pet is a great way to get your exercise and your pet’s too. By keeping a few simple guidelines in mind, you and your dog can get out, enjoy some fresh air, and have a great time together!
Your Turn: Do you bike with your dog? Share your tips in the comments section below!
Feb 7, 2014
One thing you didn't mention is the weather: his dog could bang out 20-25 mile rides with us in the late fall/winter/early spring, but in the summer it gets so hot and humid that there's no way she could do that distance.
Also, when running your dog for long distances, be sure to give them breaks, especially if you come across a nice stream. Streams are a great place for dogs to jump in and cool down after sweating for miles.
But I always loved riding with his dog (Ella). She would be on us like white on rice, and if we're going slow she'd totally pass and leave us in the dust. When the speeds pick up, she'll take short cuts (through switchbacks or overgrown side trails) to make up the difference that left me thinking, "man, this dog knows these woods better than I do!"
Feb 7, 2014
Feb 7, 2014
The under enforced leash laws at my local trails prevent me from doing something like this. I love the idea, but I'd want to have the dog connected to me in one way, shape, or form. I can't get ticked off at walkers/hikers who let their dogs off leash if I'm not going to comply with the rule.
And since my girlfriend was attacked by an unleashed dog the other afternoon while running on a local trail, I'm pretty adamant about leashing. Well behaved, friendly, or whatever, they're still animals and you never truly know what is going to happen.
Come to think of it, I'd probably love to bring a mutt along with me on night rides. I know I'd be more comfortable on solo rides if I had a four legged little buddy with me. And the trails would be MUCH quieter of extra traffic and issues. I think I might be on to something with this one.
Feb 10, 2014
Feb 10, 2014
Feb 9, 2014
I trail run/hike with a dog and she is behind me for that reason.
Jul 7, 2014
It's good to hear that I am not the only weirdo that bikes with dogs on leashes, too! I always get the strangest looks, but it a bigger city, when biking to the park, they need something to keep them off the road. I ride slow and with them on the inside, farthest from traffic. My chihuahua will ride in a basket, and the other two on leashes. They love it, though my dachshund is still getting used to being so close to the bike.
Jul 6, 2014
Feb 8, 2014
The article does a really good job of addressing all of the issues of biking with a dog. I have to echo gdaddis said, you have to know the trail and your dogs limits for it to be enjoyable for both parties.
Oct 16, 2016
I am having a hard time finding places to to take him now that its hunting season here in Maryland. I need to start a facebook page or something to make all the best mountain bike trails that are dog friendly with no hunting available !
Feb 8, 2014
So the point is, don't wear your dogs out, for their sake...because they will not stop themselves.
Also, if your dog gets snowballs and ice between the toes in winter...and your dog despises booties...this stuff rocks: Musher Secret
Feb 12, 2017
Feb 8, 2014
Feb 7, 2014
One tip you didn't mention: not all trails are appropriate for dogs, at least not at certain times. One of our local popular trails is a super fast flow trail, and it gets a good bit of use, and it's no place for a dog off leash during the busy times.
Feb 7, 2014
Jun 9, 2015
ever want to stop. She always rides behind the lead riders rear tire, and we stop often to let her recover and drink etc. She's a great riding buddy!