Since it is cold in some parts of the country right now, does anyone use mountain bike video games to get their off-road fix during the winter? I haven’t personally played any mountain bike games but I recently saw a demo of a game called Mountain Bike Challenge that looked pretty sweet. I’m not sure if Mountain Bike Challenge is a computer game or what, the website was pretty vague about purchasing information. The graphics look good though, but then again I was raised on the NES…
The only PS2 mountain bike game I know of is Downhill Domination. It got pretty good reviews on some websites but I’m interested in hearing from others who have played the game. What mountain bike games do you play?
Feb 22, 2007
This is basically a crazy downhill race on indestructable mountain bikes...You, on the other hand, are totally destructable. With the high speed, obsticles, huge jumps and optional routes, on or off trail, you make your way through checkpoints and combative fellow bikers who use punches, kicks, nightsticks and exploding water bottles to knock you and other bikers off the bike. All the while you are graded on the mid-air stunts you pull off, finish placement and how many bikers you knock over.
I would rate this game an 8 out of 10. It is a lot of fun and worth the money. You should be able to find it now for around $19.00 on the "Greatest Hits" rack in the PS2 isle. However, not as fun as the real thing....
Hey, where's my exploding water bottle!?! LOL!
See ya on the trail!
Sgt. SplinterCellSC20
Oct 5, 2011