According to recent reports on the Colorado Springs Mountain Biking Facebook Group, a booby trap consisting of fishing line strung across the trail near head height has been discovered. The fishing line booby trap was specifically spotted on the Sesame Canyon Trail, although a summation of the online discussion published by OutThere Colorado notes that it is unclear how many booby traps have been discovered, and on how many trails. Captain Jack’s could also be affected, but it’s difficult to say at this time.
This is not the first time a trail booby trap has been discovered in the Colorado Springs area, with a spike strip found on the Rampart Range trail in 2014 and a wire found stretched across the Barr Trail in August 2017. Nearby Buffalo Creek saw a particularly vicious instance of trail booby trapping in May 2016.
We recommend extreme caution if you’re out hiking or mountain biking in the area. If you spot anything out of the ordinary, contact the local authorities.
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Jan 23, 2018
Jan 23, 2018
Jan 26, 2018
That's pretty chicken s#!+.
Hopefully it's only one or two people doing this. Hope they get caught soon. There's absolutely no call for this. At least not in a rational world.
Jan 24, 2018