It’s good to see Danny MacAskill back on the mountain bike! While we share Danny’s videos without fail here on Singletracks, his only true mountain bike film that didn’t involve a trials bike was “The Ridge” from 2014. But in his latest release, “A Wee Day Out,” Danny picks his Santa Cruz back up and hits the trail… err, the roofs, the train tracks, the bridge railings, and anything else in his path.

“A Wee Day Out” is a constant onslaught of technical tricks and crazy moves that made me respond with open mouth, “how did he think of that?!” Danny’s creativity and bike handling prowess are on full display as he pedals through the countryside in Scotland, making this video an instant classic. While the terrain may not be nearly as grand as that found in “The Ridge,” the tricks, on the other hand, are bigger, more technical, and if it’s possible, more innovative than any that Danny has done before!
Happy viewing!

Oct 15, 2016
Oct 17, 2016
Oct 12, 2016
Oct 12, 2016
Hope you can watch it now!
Oct 12, 2016
Oct 12, 2016
Thank you for sharing
Oct 15, 2016
Oct 15, 2016