Just as Enduro World Series athletes were gearing up for the first round of racing in Colombia this March, the organization postponed the first two rounds, including the second race in Chile. The EWS planned on returning to South America later in the year for both races, but as coronavirus spread around the planet, it’s looking like we’ll all be waiting longer than initially planned to get back to normal, and that includes racing.
As the EWS postponed more and more events, the fall started to look very busy. This week, the EWS, with the UCI and local race organizers, decided to cancel four of the events, which is half of the calendar. This includes the popular race in Whistler, BC that kicks off Crankworx Whistler, and the first EWS round in Burke, Vermont.
According to the EWS, they will be contacting participants to issue refunds. EWS Managing Director Chris Ball shared his thoughts in the following statement.
“In our best effort to balance the health and safety of our riders, fans, and staff we have made the hard decision to cancel a number of events and to push our season start back to the end of August. By working pragmatically and putting riders first, and by working closely with our colleagues at the UCI we feel that these changes will still provide great racing towards the end of the year. We look forward to visiting the great communities we will miss this year when we return to them in 2021.”
The remaining schedule will look like this:
Aug 30: Zermatt, Switzerland
Sept 26/27: Finale Ligure, Italy (Trophy of Nations)
Oct: Olargues, France (exact date not announced yet)
Oct: Petzen/Jamnica, Austria/Slovenia (exact date not announced yet)
Nov 6/7: Manizales, Colombia
Nov 14/15: Farellones, Chile