Yesterday the Hood River Area Trail Stewards (HRATS) sent an email to followers announcing that trail closures and parking restrictions have been lifted in the Hood River, Oregon area.
It has been a wild 2020 so far, and we have been trying to keep up with all of the changes and regulations and want to share changes to Hood River Area Trails. As of June 2nd, 2020 Hood River County has rescinded its Order limiting trail use. What this means is that the trails are open to all users, and parking restrictions have been rescinded. Post Canyon is the most popular area that this change includes.
While the trails are now open to all users, the group still asks mountain bikers to ride safely and respectfully.
- Trail Users Recreate Responsibly: https://www.recreateresponsibly.org/
- Avoid Riding in Groups
- Ride to the trails if possible
- If you are traveling, travel to and through counties at the same phase of opening as your own
- Plan and Pack everything you need for the day
- Check the status of the area in which you are recreating before you go (Access can change fast and often)
- Remember to maintain social distancing
In addition to the trails at Post Canyon, Syncline and other National Forest Recreation sites are open as well according to the message.