Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this commentary are Michael Paul’s alone and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Singletracks.com.
The world can be a dangerous place. As you venture into the wild, sometimes alone, many of you may ask yourselves, “should I carry something to protect myself in case something happens to me?” The answer is: yes… probably. It is better to have something and not need it, than need something and not have it. This article isn’t about gun rights or the 2nd Amendment, but about being prepared to defend yourself in the unlikely event something happens to you while riding your mountain bike.
I realize this is a polarizing subject, and has the potential to generate controversy in some circles, but this is a genuine topic. My intent is to spark discussion, and hopefully educate riders about why it is a good idea to be prepared in the backcountry, or on any trail that may be dangerous.

First of all, arming yourself does not mean that you have to carry a firearm. In fact, it does not mean that you have to carry a weapon of any kind if you ride smart. If you generally ride in larger groups during the daylight in safer parts of the world, then your defense is your collective wisdom and sheer number. If, however, you tend to ride alone in very remote wilderness, then arming yourself seems like a logical, Darwinian necessity.
Truly, the initial thing riders have to consider is what they are protecting themselves from. Wildlife such as bears and mountain lions do not commonly attack riders, but they have and they will. Animals can also be aggressive when affected by diseases, such as rabies.
On the other hand, people may pose more of a threat than wildlife. I’m not talking about the belligerent hiker who fails to yield, but rather sexual predators that may be hiding in the woods, squatters on private land, or people manufacturing methamphetamines or other illegal drugs and do not want to be reported. Search the media, and you will find reports of this. Though rare, encountering these types of threats could be deadly.

There is a difference between riding at night in urban areas and riding in the forest, but both have their own hazards. Most of us hopefully associate our rides with being surrounded by the harmony of nature and away from the troubles of the metropolis. The problem is, as we encroach on the habitats of animals, we expose ourselves to a danger that no amount of Lycra can defend against. Being defenseless in the forest where only trees hear your screams is an excellent predatory environment for anyone or anything wishing to do us harm. Complacency kills, and even the familiar can be perilous, as Jeff pointed out in his night-riding article from Atlanta last year.

Consider the following
- Mountain lions kill mountain bikers–In 2004, Mark Reynolds was attacked and killed by a cougar.
- Bears kill mountain bikers–In Alberta in 2007, a 34 year old woman was killed while riding her bike. Just recently Lance Crosby, 63, was killed and partially consumed by a grizzly in Yellowstone while hiking
- Antelopes and deer attack bikers–in this viral video from 2011, an antelope attacked a biker on the trail
- Moose have been reported to attack bikers–In 2014 in Kincaid, AK this moose charged a group of bikers. A similar event occurred in the same place in 2011! Another incident occurred in Montana this year, resulting in a broken arm and other injuries.
- Squatters and drug traffickers attack bikers–Sadly, some of you may live next to a meth lab and not even know it. Many of these are in the woods, near trails, and those responsible for keeping their illicit activities secret may be willing to do anything to keep it that way. I was onced warned by a bike shop while visiting Oahu to not venture off trail for this reason. Two bikers were assaulted by squatters in 2012 and robbed near Johannesburg. Many of you may have also seen this viral video of a rider being robbed at gunpoint in 2014.
- Hiker/Biker Animosity–Sadly, this is becoming more prevalent and can happen anywhere. There are more and more reports of hikers attacking bikers, bikers attacking hikers, and bikers attacking other bikers, often as a result of failure to yield. There are also reports of singletrack sabotage.
- Equestrian/Biker Animosity–Though I have always had very favorable interactions with equestrian users, I occasionally hear about unfavorable ones. If you follow the Facebook page “Downhill Memes,” a user recently posted on 10/17/2015 a story about coming up on an equestrian on a dedicated downhill trail who threatened him with a gun!

“There are lies, damn lies, and there are statistics.” —Mark Twain
The problem with statistics is that they are 100% if you are one of them. It is true that for most of our lives we will live in relatively little danger (thankfully), and this article is not meant to sensationalize the minority of mountain biking/hiking victims that have succumbed to predators. This article is not engineered to strike fear, but motivate preparedness. Not everyone is comfortable with the idea of owning a firearm, much less using one, but there are other ways to project yourself should you encounter a threat on the trail.

Tips for riding safely
- Be prepared–The most dangerous weapon you already own is your mind. Don’t put yourself in a position where you wish that you had done something differently. Trust your gut. If something or someone doesn’t seem right, it probabaly isn’t. Don’t ride alone if possible. Tell others where you are going, and when you will be back.
- Use a Bear Bell–Just like it is a good idea to ring a bell to alert hikers, it’s an even better idea to have a jingly bell that alerts wildlife
- Carry Pepper Spray or Bear Spray–It is rare that I ride alone in remote places, but sometimes it is the only way to get a long ride in. Even when I am riding where there are lots of people, I usually carry pepper spray.
- Consider a firearm in certain places–When I am riding deeper in the backcountry in a small group, one of us usually carries a small .45 (where permitted) even if there are 2-3 of us. To my knowledge, there are no documented bear attacks on humans who are in groups of 4 people or more, but better safe than sorry. Bear attacks are more common in remote areas, of course, such as national parks or deep backcountry such as Alaska or BC. Cougars usually only attack solo riders, but they attack from behind, so you may need to access your gun quickly in order to defend yourself. One of my female friends carries a revolver for this reason, so she does not have to worry about chambering a round if she only has one free hand because a cat is munching on the other one.
Consider local laws–If you are considering a firearm for any reason, know the law. In Colorado, it is illegal to carry in Open Spaces but legal in National Parks. Regulations vary by state, but vary even more widely by municipality. You can actually open carry in much of Colorado, for example, (visible on your hip), but not in cities or municipalities such as Denver (where you can still carry concealed with a permit). Violators are typically punished by fines, but offenses may carry jail time in places such as New York. I cannot condone this personally, but I know riders who say that paying a small fine is preferable to losing their life in a wildlife attack or assault. As adults, I leave it to you to accept the consequences of your decisions, but I suggest following local laws. Here is an example from Jefferson County’s Open Space policy website, which encompasses a dense collection of multi-use trails in the the Colorado front range west of Denver: “Discharging or carrying firearms, crossbows, fireworks, explosives or projectile weapons of any kind are prohibited except as expressly mandated by Article 12 of Title 18 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended.This includes paintball, BB, pellet, air, blow guns, rockets, crossbows, longbows and slingshots ($300 fine).” National parks, Wilderness, BLM, and other open lands have completely different regulations. National Forest Rules generally state the following: “Discharging a firearm is always prohibited within 150 yards of a residence, building, campsite, occupied area, on or across a road, near or across a body of water, in a cave, or in any manner or place whereby any person or property is exposed to injury or damage.”
- Practice stringent firearm safety–If you’re packing heat, you certainly don’t want your gun going off inadvertently in your pack and injuring yourself or someone else, so don’t keep a round chambered, keep the safety on, and store it wisely if you choose to ride with one. Keep the pepper spray safety on too… power bars taste awful when laced with mace.
- Get trained–Owning and carrying a firearm does nothing for you if you don’t know how to use one. Practice frequently. I recommend taking a course and completing a concealed carry class if it is allowed in your state. This protects you in many areas where you can only carry a firearm concealed (i.e. a hydration pack), but also provides training and awareness of local laws. You’d be surprised how many “little old ladies” carry them in their purses or in their fanny packs while hiking. 🙂 Know which way the pepper spray fires too… speaking from personal experience, it sucks to get hit in the face with some.

Parting shots (pun intended)
I certainly don’t advocate that everyone carry a firearm while riding trails… in fact, that would be a terrible idea, and would be both dangerous and illegal in many areas. The purpose of this article was to shed light on the dangers that can exist to mountain bikers that we often don’t think about, because the majority of the time, mountain biking is bliss. Furthermore, I hope this piece generates a dialogue with our user base, sharing their experiences and opinions. I do advocate that, within the scope of your local laws and regulations, you arm yourself with something if you are in a position to be vulnerable (alone in the backcountry, sketchy neighborhoods, etc.). Hikers and backpackers are encouraged to take bear spray when venturing into known bear areas, for example–why shouldn’t we, as riders, consummate the same precautions?

Your Turn: How about you? Have you had any situations on the trail where you felt you needed some kind of protection?
Jan 7, 2016
IF you feel your life is worth defending and IF you feel there is anything you might need to defend it from and IF you are willing to do so, this article and this post is for you. All others need not apply.
Some people wear helmets, some don't. Some use strobes, some don't. Some people are allergic to pepperspray so it may not be the best idea for them but hey, knock yourself out. You can't know what situation someone is going to find themselves in, just because YOU don't have the knowledge, skills or capability to defend yourself doesn't mean it is completely fruitless for everyone.
I am a firearms instructor, I specialize in self defense. For most people out there on the trails the quickest, easiest and most effective self-defense tool is: http://www.amazon.com/UST-Marine-20-310-019-M-Hear-Me-Whistle/dp/B00HB3EMN0/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1452166088&sr=8-4&keywords=emergency+whistle
That's right, a whistle. It weighs nothing, can be worn around the neck or attached to clothing/camelback straps and will DETER (not stop) a non-determined threat. It also doubles as being good for being lost and getting found.
Secondly, a lightweight collapsible baton. Effectively, a stick. Relatively no skill or training required so long as it is stored somewhere you can access it. This is going to be effective against the majority of human threats. Human predators want an easy target and usually that's not going to be someone on a bike anyways, but hey, if defense is a concern and you want to do something, it's an option.
Sprays: a warning. If you use them beware of collateral damage, meaning you. Wind direction, how much you spray or if you are even pointing in the right direction can incapacitate you just as much as anyone/thing else. But they are lightweight, easily stored on handlebars ready for immediate use.
Knives: Most pocket knives are tools first and self defense weapons last, but if push comes to stab...
Which brings me to my next point, it is prudent to, whenever possible, use the LEAST amount of "force" necessary to de-escalate the situation. Sometimes a whistle, a pocket knife being brandished or just running away can be completely adequate.
And lastly guns. It takes a special kind of stupid to mess with someone with a gun, which is why banks have been robbed and pants have been soiled with nothing more than a finger pointed underneath a sweat shirt, though not a tactic I'd stake my life on. If the bike mounted police officers can ride with a gun on their hip, why can't you? Off-body carry is generally frowned upon because you have less direct control over the weapon, your bag may get left behind, stolen from your vehicle or person, but likely you aren't about to misplace the inseam around your waist. Guns come in many shapes and sizes and even the lowly .22lr has enough "stoping power" to incapacitate a human (though it would have to be the shot of the century to take out a grizzly). Carry appropriate to your skill, comfort and threat level.
For those of you who need not apply, if your knickers are in a twist I urge you to bear in mind this is the highly edited version, attempts to not personally attack or belittle anyone in particular were made and I already know full well I'm an asshole... carry on.
Jan 8, 2016
In most areas where most mountain bike in the US, I bet the two greatest threat are other people (conflicts) and feral dogs. The third greatest threat is the Federal Government LOL which is no longer limited as directed by the constitution.
Dec 31, 2016
Dec 30, 2017
Jan 8, 2016
I believe this is my first response. I only check in occasionally. This is a topic that is near and dear to me. I am a VA resident, a veteran, a 2nd Amendment activist and a CCW permit holder. I was very active in the fight to pass VAs "shall issue" provision requiring that a permit be issued without undue delay unless the petitioner can be shown to be legally prohibited from having a permit. "They" used to be able to just deny people permits, or drag it out for years here in VA.
Here is what I am not: I am not an employee of any firearm or accessory related company. I am not a basher of those who don't like guns. If you don't like guns, don't buy one. I am not an expert on local and state law outside of my jurisdiction. I am not a law enforcement officer. I am not a victim. although I frequently ride in urban areas and have been accosted on more than one occasion.
I wanted to touch on one thing that I think should have gotten more. Quality firearms don't just go off. While firearms should be stored safely, they should also be readily accessible. If it is not accessible, then you are simply providing your robber with a firearm for his next crime...a firearm he likely removed from your unconscious, or worse, body. There are a variety of holsters available that make your firearm accessible and safe. I favor the Blackhawk Serpa which has a positive locking mechanism that is released by the trigger finger as the pistol is drawn. I have seen some guys where them upside down on tac vests, (I do NOT recommend this). This holster keeps your weapon extremely secure, available, and difficult for someone to simply snatch. It can be carried in a variety of ways. Retention, security and accessibility are the hallmarks of a good carry holster. Please consider this when making your decision.
I do not recommend storing them in backpacks. Bad guys don't let you go through your pack in the handover your stuff phase of the crime. Also, I have yet to find a belly bag I trust. A holster that is designed to positively retain your firearm is the only method I would recommend.
Jan 7, 2016
Yes, week before last. Riding alone, on a Tuesday, isolated area in a National Forest. At the end of the ride, I was tired, wet and muddy. I decided to ride back to the car on the road. Again, very isolated area. No houses, no signs of nearby habitation. Was riding relatively slowly up a long curving hill when I was surprised to see a pedestrian walking along the road, coming towards me on the other side. Something immediately did not feel right, so I watched him as I got closer. As I got within about 30 or so feet of him, he started over to my side of the road! He was dressed decently, but had an odd look. As I got closer, I noticed he had cheap tattoo work on both arms. (Not bashing tattoos, I just know good work from crap work). Then I noticed he had a weird look in his eyes, closely followed by the realization that he had a tear drop tattoo by his left eye, closely followed by the realization that I had put my gun in a water bottle pocket out of reach instead of the normal spot I carry it (when I carry it) in a snack pocket on the hip belt of my Osprey pack! (I put the gun in the water bottle pocket to better protect it more from the weather, and muck I knew I would be riding in!) Nothing happened thankfully. He just walked on by a few feet away with a smirk on his face. Did not say a word, even though I cheerfully said hello....
This has made me think about this scenario. Carrying on a bike requires even more security than normal daily carry. That means it is slower to draw and present the weapon. I have thought about putting it in a gas tank style bag on the top tube, but my instinct would have been to get distance between him and me had he made any move toward me. Therefore, the gun stays on my person. I think I will refine my backpack carry method further, but I certainly have no regrets about carrying that day, or any day. Things do happen out there.
I have had people walk into camp (armed with an M-1 Carbine hunting hogs. He turned out to be a nice guy, but first few seconds were freaky) and drive into camp at 2AM as happened when I was helping at a checkpoint for the Baja 1000 years ago. (I spoke no Spanish and was happy my tent had two doors as I was out the back door in a flash, putting distance between us and those crazy Mexicans.) Turns out they were lost and wanted directions) I thought 2 AM was a hell of a time to come asking, but then again, I was not the one that was lost in the desert.
How we prepare (or not) to deal with threats is a personal choice. If you are going to carry, carry responsibly, just like the author pointed out repeatedly. If you are doing it right, no one will ever know you carrying, ever. I choose to prepare primarily for the two legged threats, but bears are making headway here, and having a pepper spray can certainly be effective against the two legged threat as well. I may integrate that into my plan. Thanks, good article.
Jan 7, 2016
Unlike traditional mace or pepper spray, this actually uses a charge to propel a stream of concentrated pepper gel up to 15 feet. I carry mine in a side jersey pocket, due to an inordinate number of large, unfriendly, and unleashed dogs in the area I ride. I've only had to use it once, when I was surprised by a German Shepherd and the dog was simply too close and I was in too high a gear for me to be able sprint away. Let's just say that it was VERY, VERY effective and stopped the animal in it's tracks from about 15 feet away. I have no desire whatsoever to be cruel to anything, man or beast, but when it comes down to either my being nasty or having a chunk taken out of my leg, well...sorry Fido.
Jan 15, 2016
Jul 19, 2021
Jan 8, 2016
For the others that don't support this kind of discussion, and instead chose to rudely belittle the idea of protecting yourself...well, I will pray for you, and I hope you never find yourself in position to protect yourself against cruel and evil persons. As for the wildlife...I don't ride around bears, and there's only rumors of mountain lions in southwest Missouri...I do think the sound would scare them off, but I certainly hope I never have to take wildlife outside of their respective hunting seasons.
I think, too, for the folks that speak of preparedness for weather/mechanicals far away from shelter, that this article must assume some prior knowledge of these things...how many articles Are available for proper dressing/preparation? How many cross related articles for back country adventure mention the need to be prepared for emergency medical issues (lacerations, hypothermia, etc). This was just an article touching on something that, for a good portion of the mountain biking community, appears to still be a taboo subject... I hope everyone can see it from another persons shoes. I certainly see the excellent points that the anti-carry-while-you-ride enthusiasts have brought up, and I applaud you for your positive view points. On that same note, it's not really any of your business what another rider chooses to do. I feel, for my specific circumstances, riding in semi-rural areas very close to urban influences, that I am at a high risk for being targeted... Typically a bike is worth $500 to well over a few thousand dollars...plus cell phones and many other items make us look like big dollar signs to the right individual. Or, in my case - encountering folks involved in illicit drugs. I have also been trained to use my weapon. I practice drawing and manipulating my gun on a weekly basis and run scenarios through my head all the time - not out of fear, but out of preparation. I know I have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and all by myself. It is not something I want to dominate my thoughts when I am out enjoying Gods beautiful creation.
Jan 10, 2016
Jan 12, 2016
I do find it interesting that those who approve of carry assume a laissez-faire attitude and tell others to do as they see fit, while those uncomfortable with the notion try to make those who approve feel as though we are unaware, uninformed, or obtuse.
If you have a pistol that fires with an empty chamber...I want to buy it...it has a future in Hollywood. If you have one that fires on a loaded chamber, either you have a great lawsuit or you measured the value of your life and determined it was not equivalent to the price of a firearm manufactured by a reputable producer. I have done stuff that would make many of you adrenaline jockeys cringe, always with a loaded firearm at my side and never once feared accidental discharge due to equipment malfunction resultant of impact...even from the most rigorous activity.
All I did was suggest that you get a great holster and train. You do you and I'll do me.
Jan 12, 2016
If you are wondering about whether or not you should buy a gun to take with you, you probably shouldn't. You should buy a gun, engage the services of a qualified trainer, practice drawing from the holster you intend to carry, firing the weapon and placing accurate fire on designated targets, and then once it becomes a natural, fluid motion that can be executed without thought...go ahead and take it on your ride.
There is also this misconception that guns will accidentally go off when dropped or during a fall. Guns don't just go off. reckless handling of firearms result in incidental discharges. If you are under the impression that a gun can just go off, you should not be carrying...you are a danger to others, and less importantly, yourself.
Others have commented that the 1.6 lbs of additional weight precludes it from usefulness. Why bother carrying water? You can live three days without water...sometimes we are confronted with lethal dangers that manifest in seconds. Weight should not be a determinant factor. Either you feel it is necessary, or you don't. When I was in the Army everyone cried about carrying a protective mask...they are bulky and heavy and there is no comfortable configuration for carry. When the word went up and down the line that Saddam had prepositioned chemical weapons in preparation for the invasion...everyone became a fan and expert on the NBC mask.
Jan 12, 2016
Jan 12, 2016
Jan 12, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Mr. Sullivan also brings up the holster situation.....yes indeed, research is key.....find something that protects/covers the trigger area to prevent an accidental discharge....there are some good ones out there.
Jan 6, 2016
Aug 4, 2021
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 13, 2016
1) Not shooting yourself by having it in your pocket
2) not shooting someone else (See above)
3) avoiding accidental discharges by having it loose in your pack (Again, see #1)
4) Actually being able to deploy it in a timely fashion
5) not having it included in the list of things you turned over to bad guys because you didn't pay attention to any of the above
6) continuity creates predictability...predictability is good.
7) It is far less likely that the weapon will be lost on the trail.
8) they make them for a reason...get one
My ONLY point is get a holster and stop creating an unsafe environment for your fellow man...and stop trying to think for me. I know where I ride and the challenges I face. I promise not to comment on the Bear Spray editorial when it is released since, on THAT topic, I have NO IDEA what I am talking about. On this topic, I am an expert...with certifications and everything. Honest...I am bona fide. Get a holster and get trained or don't carry. End of point.
I have not tried to infringe on anyone's first amendment rights in any way. I have made the mistake of trying to exercise two of mine at the same time by rebutting. Evidently, my exercise of my right to disagree is hypocrisy, but yours is sacrosanct. I am confused, are you the pot or the kettle? Me telling them that bear spray is not the medicine that every doctor orders for every malady is not quite the same as a fascistic, Draconian quashing of civil liberties. You get it now?
Aug 4, 2021
Aug 8, 2021
Wildlife biologist: Best response to a bear attack depends on ursine's behavior
Aug 8, 2021
Jan 7, 2016
"The most dangerous weapon you already own is your mind" LOVE IT!
Just being aware and prepared can make all the difference.
Typically while biking I carry an expandable steel baton. It collapses to about 8" long and can bring a would of hurt to anyone or anything that approaches with ill intent. Fortunately there are no bears in Kansas.
Whatever you do to protect yourself, GET TRAINING!!!
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Dec 31, 2017
If I ever get the chance to go out west and stay on a trail where some bikepacking will be part of my travels, then I assure you I'll be carrying a firearm for protection. I want a peace of mind at minimum just in case.
I'm not discounting those who carry a baton so please don't take this comment as that. But I was just asking myself what or how would I use that if I met someone else with a pistol, or even a large stick? His stick is larger than mine and can only HOPE he swings and misses. Maybe on a wild dog or a wart hog it would work but you better be able to swing the crap outta that thing to stop one.
On a side and funnier note, we've all seen the cartoon - If we're attacked by a grizzly while in the outdoors with others just be sure you can run faster than the other man. Selfish? HECK YES IT IS! LOL
Dec 31, 2017
Jan 13, 2016
This is precisely my point. I specifically stated that a good quality HOLSTER with a positive retention lock (that incidentally adds ZERO seconds to draw time with just a minimum of training) will prevent all but the most colossal of errors and mishaps. The misunderstanding may be that you perceive it to be an inherently unsafe act to carry and that I feel that a minimum of precaution can produce conditions by which carrying a loaded firearm is statistically as safe as carrying a rock.
The overwhelming incidence of accidental discharges regarding firearms have nothing to do with the pistol itself, but instead with the careless handling of the firearm. I am simply advocating for frequent, but safe carry. The path to safety leads straight through the holster aisle at the gun store. If you are carrying a pistol in your pocket, you are placing lives at risk. If you are carrying it loose in a bag, you are a moron.
Also, carrying in a holster ensures that the pistol is ALWAYS readily available. With training, a pistol can be drawn and accurately fired in less than 1.5 seconds, even with a positive lock holster. The time it takes to get to a pistol is an excuse, not a reason. When properly carried in a holster, there is no time spent rummaging...you know where it is...exactly where you left it...in a safe carrying configuration.
I remain consistent in my opinion that if you, personally, are not comfortable carrying, you simply shouldn't. If you choose to carry, then you MUST be prepared to spend the time, money and resources to procure equipment and training of sufficient quality that will ensure the safety of you and the others within range of your decision. If you do choose to carry, carry often. The more one engages in an activity, the more rote it becomes and the less inconsistent and unsafe he or she will be.
Jan 1, 2017
Jan 8, 2016
Jan 8, 2016
Jan 15, 2016
Jan 8, 2016
Dec 31, 2017
Mar 7, 2018
Jan 9, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
I think the article way overstates the threat from wildlife. Two-legged wildlife is far more dangerous (and the article talks about threats from people), but even then, why encourage people to introduce fear to their hobby? The tacit suggestion of this article is that the world is full of threats, and more of us should consider packing heat. I call BS, and say be prepared and learn how to keep yourself safe, but don't look to the woods with fear. As long as you keep your head on straight, that wilderness is plenty safe. Way safer than the roads you likely drive to work every day.
Dec 31, 2017
Secondly, a firearm will seldom PREVENT any attack, whether it's from a human or animal. If you're attacked, chances are you're going to get hurt, maybe mauled, before you have a chance to defend yourself. But having a gun will raise your odds of SURVIVING the attack by stopping your assailant. Bear spray is probably effective most of the time, but if you get jumped by a big cat or a cranked-up drug addict, it may not stop the attack and, in a grappling situation, may leave both of you incapacitated.
I generally don't carry when I ride. But in the unlikely event that I'm ever attacked, I'd sure appreciate it if the rider behind me does!
Dec 31, 2017
It's a matter of personal interpretation, but to me the tone of the article is about being prepared. I didn't see the "fear" message that you did.
Jan 8, 2016
Jan 8, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
I DO think threats from humans are far more likely than animals, especially in the rural but not yet backcountry areas. The reality is that bears aren't that hard to avoid for most of us, and cougars will kill you before you could react anyway.
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Let's say you do need a firearm to prevent an animal attack. What exactly is the scenario there? If the animal is far enough away that you have time to stop, open your pack, chamber a round, and prepare to fire, it's probably out of the effective range for a packable pistol. And if it's that far away, there's no need to shoot. If a bear, cougar, whatever, drops out of a tree and onto your head, are you really going to have time to get your gun from your pack?
And like you said, I don't want to introduce fear into my hobby. Besides of course the fear of hitting that jump, drop, or riding in a "no fall" zone.
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
My reason for posting is to relay a bit of information that may or may not be of interest. A few years ago i watched a documentary about villagers in India trying to cope with tiger attacks whilst out foraging for firewood. The researchers solution was to get the villagers to wear a mask of a face on their backs which confused the tigers, the tiger could never seem to get behind the person which is where they prefer to attack from. Cougars by all accounts do much the same. Hope this might be a useful idea to someone.
Happy riding.
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 14, 2016
Jan 14, 2016
Jan 14, 2016
Jan 12, 2016
But... It got me thinking about my defense posture in an RV, MTB'ing, and dirt biking in very remote areas and occasionally urban fringe (more concerning).
One thing I came across is an extended infomercial. It is surprisingly analytical and rational, at least to me.
The author makes an interesting case that most people who own guns for "self-defense" don't understand the sheer speed of a human attack and the extreme difficulty of responding to a moving assault vs. a static target on a range.
My summary: You need mindset, muscle memory gained from practice, and finally an appropriate weapon. Even more, you need situational awareness to avoid trouble in the first place.
I found it quite interesting. I may buy the 20-hour video course. I might even buy a handgun some day.
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Become informed and possibly learn firearm fundamentals. It could save your life. In the meantime, responsible firearms owners will protect you...
Jan 6, 2016
I seem to recall hearing that there are two types of people: those who are wired for fight and those who are wired for flight. I'm definitely a flighter (and I would imagine many other bikers are too--it's the whole idea of motion and speed.) So yeah, I have a hard time imagining standing in place to get a gun out of my pack to "fight" with a bear. My first instinct (right or wrong) will be to run.
Dec 31, 2017
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Jan 8, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 13, 2016
Aug 1, 2017
Only then will we be truly safe.
Jan 6, 2016
I am far more worried about lightning than my fellow man. As for animals, bear spray will do.
Jan 7, 2016
USA population = 280,000,000, 1000 lightning victims/year/average,
Odds = 1 : 280,000 of being struck by lightning
Odds of being a victim of a violent crime:
Males are victimized more than females, but not by much (18.4 vs. 15.8) per thousand. There are big differences per crime category; more men are victims of robbery and serious assault, the rates for simple assault are virtually identical, more women are raped.
Odds = 18 : 1,000
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 10, 2016
Bear spray might do the same trick with less cost and weight.
I rode in many remote locations and in urban areas as well and never felt the need to have a gun. I take bear spray if I ride in Montana or Colorado for extra peace of mind.
My personal opinion gun should stay in the locked box while you riding.
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 14, 2016
Jan 6, 2016
Even worse, it's sharing MISinformation:
"I have come across quite a few bears in the wilderness. The best thing to do is remain calm, smear some honey stinger gels on your riding buddies, and ride away faster than them."
The best thing to do is not run at all and use bear spray.
As a wildlife and mountain biking advocate, I can't stand to see this kind of misinformation shared which could threaten either a mountain biker and/or a wild animal.
The first sentence of the 3rd paragraph should have been in the FIRST paragraph. People determine the focus of the article very quickly, so if you're talking about all ways to be armed, include that immediately as to not create confusion... Unless, of course, your focus IS on creating debate and confusion instead of sharing useful information.
Furthermore, it seemed there wasn't a lot of physical weight put on WHY you should be armed, but rather more was put into "scary statistics". If people want to carry a firearm, then great! Fine! But how about clearly laying out the alternatives which can be just as effective or MORE effective in some cases.
Thanks for taking my constructive criticism.
Jan 7, 2016
He discusses large groups and your mind being the BEST defense for all situations, duh. Beyond that it's other things to consider and why. You were more reasonable than many but still only saw gun. There is other good info to consider here than guns.
A whole other article could be on safety for accidents -maybe 2-3. But this was clearly directed at external threats.
Jan 6, 2016
Dec 30, 2017
Americans need to grow a brain and start acting like the rest of the world.
If you guys really need some kind of protection maybe you could use a rape whistle instead and try and keep it civilised.
Jan 4, 2018
If you are Canadian...I have even less respect for you. You have spent the last 50 years funding a healthcare system that doesn't work with money you would have been using on a military if you didn't share a border with the U.S. You sit up there and act like we are barbarians because we believe that health insurance is a consumer product and not a God-given right, but the truth is, if it wasn't for America, you would be eating borscht twice a day and French would only be taught to the least capable in your spy schools...but you would have an Army. It would not be one you chose, but you would have one.
The difference between an American and...well...everyone else is that we are not subjects. We are citizens. Citizens understand that they have a responsibility to defend themselves and that when seconds count the police are only minutes away. Of all the high profile European terrorist attacks in recent years, I would like to point out the only one I know of that was thwarted AFTER it had already started was the one that that was thwarted by three unarmed Americans on a train. An gunman got on a train with an AK-47. Think about that...French in a barrel. You are welcome. Nothing new though...young American men spilling blood to protect Europeans that would prefer to leave that duty to others is sort of the accepted protocol nowadays. What is fairly new, except in the case of the French, is the unashamed manner in which the Europeans look down upon us while we provide them that security. The French began a healthy regimen of ingratitude within days after WW2 and ordered that all American soldiers be removed from French soil within two weeks. The response that was issued by the U.S, Secretary of State was "Does that include the 40,000 men that are buried in Normandy?"
Americans grow weary of pulling your weight though, wherever you live. The policies you have adopted have turned Paris into a network of No-Go zones, the Scandinavian nations into the rape capitol of the world, and London is not-so-affectionately referred to as Londonistan. In Canada, you can be criminally prosecuted for accurately describing an assailant. Every time I meet a smug European who looks down his nose at the unsophisticated Americans and their gun fetishes...I smile. The recent defunding of the U.N. should be a wake up call. We are no longer interested in supplying our blood and treasure so that you may enter into suicide pacts for the sake of feeling superior to others. Next time...maybe we let you fall flat on your ass. If you feel you are above protecting yourself, why should I protect you?
Careful world...we are sick of your elitism. Don't worry. We are not interested in aggression, but we sure are less and less interested in helping you with threatened aggression every time some smarmy, weak lipped, pseudo-intellectual comments on America's gun culture.
Dec 31, 2017
Jan 13, 2016
Let me sum it up for you, fellow rider. You or anyone else has every legal right to carry a gun, with or without a trigger lock, while riding your mountain bike. It’s your right under the second amendment. That being said, it’s also the right of others on this thread, under the first amendment, to express their opinions as they see fit. You see the hypocrisy here? You get to carry a gun, dude, and they get to express their opinions as to why they think it’s a bad idea. You get it now?
Jan 17, 2016
Jan 17, 2016
Jan 25, 2016
Dec 30, 2017
Jan 6, 2016
Jun 28, 2016
There is another homeless camp in Marinwood, where the old "graveyard" jumps used to be. Drug manufacture/distribution/sale, human waste, trash. They even set up a meth head "lean to". Apparently the kids who dig still consider this area "hot". So it sound like the Sheriff and MCOSD are still willing to roll hard on the kids who enjoy jumping, but they wont bother with real issues.
You forgot about the 2nd murder here in Marin County Parks preserve property. The survailance cameras were all pointing up the hill trying to catch the Novato endurobro crew. I guess law enforcement still caught one of the murder suspects. Did you hear they almost cut one of the victims heads off? With a machete?
But for once. I agree with you about something. Cycling and firearms don't mix. With the exception of police or military (if there are any military units that still employ bikes). Or maybe bikepack/hunting during deer season? Simply being able to ride away from whatever the issue is the obvious advantage to the cyclist.