I recently had a revelation: I now know more people who used to mountain bike than people who currently ride. Whenever I meet someone and we get to talking about what we do for a living, it’s surprisingly common to learn someone was, at one time, a mountain biker. So why do people stop mountain biking? I decided to contact some riding partners from the past to find out.
High School
Back in the 1990s, more than two decades before NICA and high school mountain bike racing, my friends and I caught singletrack fever. With miles of bike-legal trails in Sumter National Forest practically right outside our back door, we loved spending Saturdays pushing ourselves to ride deeper and deeper into the woods.
Jason was one of the first in our group to get his driver’s license, and not only that, he had an actual bike rack on his car! It’s hard to remember a single high school mountain bike ride without Jason, like the time our friend Gabi got hypothermia, or the time a hunter in a tree stand fired his gun in the air because we were making too much noise.
After graduation, we all went our separate ways for college and then work. To the best of my knowledge, none of the 4-5 guys I rode with in those days still rides his mountain bike on dirt. I decided to ask Jason, who is now living in Oregon, why he stopped.
“[I] started rowing [crew] in high school and ran out of time,” said Jason. “We all just stopped going or calling each other to ride; other priorities/things seem to have taken over (i.e., other sports, women, etc.)”

In high school, everyone is still trying new things, looking for the thing that will be their thing. Some who start mountain biking will give it up quickly, which is understandable, especially if mountain biking isn’t as much fun as they thought it would be, or they find something else that’s even more fun. Still, Jason seems to have a positive impression of mountain biking that he carries with him more than 20 years later. “I would like to ride again,” said Jason. “Probably in about a decade or less when my son can ride.”
Another high school friend, Joey (who I think prefers to go by Joe or Joseph these days), had all the best intentions of sticking with mountain biking after high school, but he found there just weren’t any fun trails near him in college. He still has his bike in his DC garage, a daily reminder of a former pastime.
“I’m about to hit 40 so I want to start [mountain biking] more. […] Isn’t that what everyone says at 40?” said Joey.
Early Career
After college, I went into the US Air Force and was blessed to be stationed in Colorado Springs, CO. A good friend and co-worker, Scott, moved to the Springs from Iowa around the same time as me, and he brought his Cannondale mountain bike with him. We were both stoked to explore the Rocky Mountains on two wheels, even if the trails were much more challenging than anything either of us had ridden before.

But as they say, all good things come to an end. After riding together for three years or so, we both moved on to other places. While in Minneapolis for Frostbike a couple years ago, I got together with Scott for the first time since we both left Colorado, and was bummed to hear that he had stopped mountain biking.
“My mountain biking career […] ended rather abruptly upon my departure from the Springs,” said Scott. “There are trails worth riding around here, but I haven’t ridden a single one.”
For many mountain bikers, riding isn’t about the bike; rather, the bike is just a tool for getting outdoors and exploring. When I lived in Colorado, it seemed everyone was a mountain biker–including the overweight, chain-smoking civilians in my office. Heck, one summer a co-worker organized a trip to the Monarch Crest Trail and I was shocked that so many seemingly non-biker people came along!

But Scott was a real biker who, like Joey, just didn’t see quite the same potential for thrills in his new local trails. We were truly spoiled by the quality of the riding in Colorado, so I can understand why he has decided to sit on the sidelines. “I still have the Cannondale, but I’ve probably [only] put 100 miles on that bike since leaving Colorado [13 year ago], and most of those were with a Burley in tow.”
Scott, like many former mountain bikers I know, is finding that family commitments take up much of the time that used to be available for mountain biking. Of course, that’s not to say it’s impossible to be a great dad and a dedicated mountain biker, but ultimately there are only so many hours in the day, and we all have to prioritize. For Scott, mountain biking just isn’t as compelling as his pottery hobby or any of the other irons he has in the fire (and he always has a ton of them!).
Graduate School

After leaving the military, I went back to school for a graduate degree, and once again, I found a great group of folks who liked to ride bikes in the woods. While we did some riding (and trail running) on the trails near campus, our group also filled breaks with trips to Western North Carolina and Colorado. In fact, three of us went on a hut-to-hut trip from Durango to Moab a couple years after graduation and had a blast.
Joe is one of my closest friends from business school, and honestly, I think we kinda pressured him into taking up mountain biking with the rest of us. He jumped in head first, buying a brand new Specialized mountain bike and tackling trails from North Carolina to Colorado and Utah. During school, Joe tells me he was riding his bike every day around town, and at least a couple times a month on trail.
“[I] left the South and lived in a northern city with far less access to good trails, and [was] no longer able to ride with the group,” said Joe.
Mountain biking is a social activity, and for many of us the relationships are even more important than the trails or the bikes. Heck, this is even true for me. I have a regular Tuesday night mountain bike ride with a group of friends and if no one can make it on a particular night, I don’t bother riding, either. Now, that’s not to say one can’t find a new group to ride with in a new city–it’s just not always the same.
But there is still hope that Joe might come back one day. Although his family commitments make mountain biking a difficult sell, he does still have his mountain bike which he uses for commuting occasionally.
When I asked if he thought he might get into mountain biking again, Joe replied, “I would love to downhill (cheating, I know).” Actually, it’s not cheating, and just might be a great outlet for casually getting back into mountain biking. Apparently, Joe hasn’t heard of electric mountain bikes yet.
These days I tend to hear the, “I used to mountain bike” line from all sorts of people in the community, like the parents of our kids’ friends, or from guys at church. My next-door neighbor David, who I shared a fence with for more than 10 years, used to mountain bike. Or at least that’s what he told me, though I don’t think I ever saw him riding a bike. OK, I did see him tooling around his the driveway with the kids, and heck, he even rode his dirt bike around his tiny yard in the city once in a while. But for as long as I’ve known David, he hasn’t been a mountain biker.
In college, David tells me he went mountain biking once a week, but after graduation, he found his job left less time for riding. Before he knew it, “the bike was obsolete.” David’s transition was a gradual one; he didn’t stop riding all of a sudden, but just found himself riding less often until he gave it up completely. His answer hints at the fact that mountain bikes are expensive, so riders really have to stay passionate to justify such an expensive hobby.
“I still have [my] bike: a 1999 Stumpjumper,” David says.

David has three boys, and every one of them has his own dirt bike. In fact, his youngest was ripping around on a mini bike at just four years old. It’s not unusual to see the whole family pack up the trailer and head out for a day or even a weekend of out-of-town dirt bike riding. While it might seem like David and his family have found a different hobby to replace mountain biking, I’m not counting them out just yet. When I asked David if he would ever take up riding again, he said, “probably as the kids get older.”
While this was a fun trip down memory lane for me and a good chance to reconnect with old friends, I think everyone who has a vested interest in growing the sport of mountain biking can learn something from this. In business, they say it’s always easier to sell to former customers than to find new ones, and apparently, there are a lot of former mountain bikers out there!
As these examples show, there are many reasons people stop mountain biking, which means there are a number of major roadblocks to overcome in reactivating former riders:
- Family / time commitments
- Financial cost
- Trail access
- Lack of riding partners
- Injury
Still, these same roadblocks exist for people who have never even tried the sport, so we have the added challenge of convincing those people that mountain biking is fun in the first place. For those who are serious about growing our sport, I suggest we start by helping our former brothers and sisters get back into the fold. Note that every person I spoke with said they would be interested in getting back into mountain biking at some point, which is really half the battle. The next step is to remove whatever hurdle is preventing their return.
Today, NICA is by far the best thing going for mountain biking in terms of adding new people to the sport. Not only that, NICA appears to be re-activating high school athletes’ parents who used to be riders themselves. But what happens once those high schoolers go off to college? There is a big gap between college and becoming the parent of a high schooler. Focusing on this divide, and helping former riders overcome the roadblocks above, could radically expand the number of active mountain bikers.
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Right now, 3.5 years into riding a mountain bike at 49 is like being a kid again, and I love it. I have some aches and pains like most guys my age do, but I'm hoping to ride as long as I'm physically able...hopefully into my 70's, for the fitness and social benefits of it. But...who knows??
I think if you talk to most "I used ot ride" guys, they have similar stories. They found another hobby to replace it with due to boredom with MTB. Sure...there are excuses that go with it, but that's the "real" reason. It doesn't mean they weren't accomplished and avid riders. It just means things change in life.
Feb 1, 2018
Based on my observations, few people will jump straight from not riding into being part of the core anyway. The idea is to move the non-riders to recreational riders, and the recreational riders to the core. Everyone I interviewed followed a different path, but some went from core to recreational to not riding at all. Others went straight from core to not riding. The open question is, what does the path look like back to core, and do we even care if someone is core or recreational, or just that they're riding?
I'd still love to ride with every one of these guys, even if it were only a couple times a year.
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
I considered mountain biking over the years but found many excuses for not starting similar to reasons in the article for people giving up. So when I turned 50, I thought enough excuses and bought a bike and I haven't looked back.
I try to get out at least a few times a week and sometimes bring my dogs on trails that dogs are allowed and on quiet times, they love it. I just did 18km with then today and they loved it.
I must admit I wasn't sure if getting wet, cold and dirty in the winter months would be for me (well it's always wet in Ireland) but who knew, I can handle it!
I bought my wife a secondhand bike for Christmas and we hope to travel a bit, biking here in Ireland and maybe around the UK. She's not into climbing up and would love an e-bike. My two eldest kids haven't shown much interest in the sport but the 12 year old likes it but for Christmas he choose a bloody iPhone over a mountain bike... Maybe he'll ask for one for his birthday or next Christmas.
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Concerning my sons, they started riding on the trails just under 3 on their Kazaam (Strider like bike) and have been at it ever since. They are now 6 and under and will ride all day long if you let them. If there is anything that they love more than the sports, games, and toys, it's going ride the trails.
When I felt like I hit plateaus or something felt monotonous, I'd change it up. it started with being faster on a cheap 26" knock off mountain bike, with the snotty attitude people who fling their noses at you with their fancy $5k+ and/or 29ers as if you aren't good enough or real. I would try to beat my times, add a lap, or change the gear ratio in which I usually pedal in. I saved money and went with my Trek Fuel EX instead of the SB-66 simply because it was on clearance as the previous year model (not bad for a starter bike). I began to travel, try more difficult trails, got into freeriding, then some downhill, started dirt jumping a bit, and have had a small taste of some slopestyle. Of course, not everyone will or is capable due to injuries or it's just not their thing. However, mountain biking is an adventure. Just like when we were kids and ventured off into the woods for laughs, dares, challenges, and "Watch This!!!", it's a love, a love with a choice. I've tried and done many many things, however, mountain biking is here to stay as long as The Lord allows me to physically ride on.
Most of the time I'm solo and cut up, when someone is along, it's about sharing the adventure together.
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 2, 2018
I have been mountain biking since 1989 and am nearly 55-years old. I have three boys that all adult now. They never impeded my riding and rode with me when they were younger. The cost was a factor in the early days with a young family. Last June and July I had to bad crashes that essentially ruined my entire summer for riding. Along with two injuries at work it could have been better. I love mountain biking and riding in the mountains or desert. I shall ride as long as I can and if that means buying an adult tricycle if needs be, but that will on cycle paths and roads...boring but it'll keep me active and sane.
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 10, 2019
Feb 15, 2018
Dec 28, 2018
Time passed and I got my license. Off to Vancouver I go in parents car and insurance. Soon I was free with my own insurance, no need for a bike.
My kids are gone, and I just love electric mountain bikes. Of course my 2018 Treck Fuel EX8 29er is wicked in the summer as well. The exercise is still there, no matter what the boost setting is at. I just find myself going farther and getting more exercise. Flattening the hills, trudging the mud with oversized tyres.
Point being put up a sign for a riding group. Get off the trail if you are lolly gagging, socializing, and everyone around you has to slam on the brakes. I am in for the exercise, but we can have a beer at the pub after.
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 3, 2018
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
I didn't ride anything for years, and then I built a pretty amazing carbon road bike and road that for a while. It was fun, but I found myself not enjoying that for similar reasons. Plus... it's kinda boring.
Cut to last year when I bought a $50 FS mountain bike to ride to and from work. I was tired of riding on the streets and stressing about every pothole and car, so I figured I'd just lollygag and who cares how long it took. I re-caught the bug. I started riding singletrack (alone) and started enjoying the same feeling I had when I was 19 (I'm 45 now with a young child). I took breaks when I felt like it and I charged hard when I felt like it. I bought a new bike. Now I go out every week -- sometimes multiple times per week.
I guess I realized that I enjoy the hell out of mountain biking and don't really care how fast I go. That realization changed everything. I love technical challenges and I love banging down a well-chosen line, but I never look at Strava for speeds. When I ride with friends, they still crush me on the ascent more often than not and I'm fine with that, as long as they're fine with waiting for a few. If they aren't... well... that's a pretty dumb reason for me to stop riding, so I won't be making the same mistake again.
So don't forget to include 'dumb comparisons of yourself to other people' in list of reasons why people quit doing things they love. :)
Dec 30, 2018
Oct 16, 2019
I ride because Mountain Biking is my Cyclotherapy
Mental Spiritual Physical
MTB is my very best Metaphor of Recovery and Resilience and it encompasses most if not all of my Ethos as a Warrior.
Having a hiatus is just that. You get back in the saddle even if you have to use your bike to steady you.
Ride On ! Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler -En Velo Bien Sur!
Feb 1, 2018
I'm 67 now and still ride, in fact more than ever. My fat tire townie changed a long time ago to cross-county bikes. We're lucky in the Dallas area that we have a number of good off-road trails, and I ride several times a week. The trail allows you to temporarily forget "life" and concentrate on becoming a better rider. And, being in the woods reduces stress let's you experience nature. I recently met a gentleman on a local trail who's in his mid-80s and my goal is ride as long as he has.
If you've given up riding, keep it in the back of your mind. Your friend in the garage is waiting for you to take her for ride. Thank you.
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 3, 2018
72 in May, increasingly solo riding as the herd has thinned.
Practitioner of: "There are old trout and bold trout, but no old bold trout."
Feb 2, 2018
The game changer for me was breaking my femur (and tearing every ligament in my knee) in a dirt bike crash in Mammoth in July 2009. Two surgeries and 5 months on the couch, I was 28 lbs heavier. That led me to get back on a bike in 2010 to lose the weight. I'm now more addicted than I ever was. So much so, we sold the dirt bikes as the kids left for college and now I vacation to mountain bike 7-8 times a year. I also keep several bike related companies in business as every new improvement comes out.
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
..Im stubborn
Feb 1, 2018
I also agree that there will be times where can't dedicate the time you want. But that doesn't mean that you quit. As long as when you see the times available and take it. It's not the amount of time or miles, it's about getting out when you can and enjoying it.
Feb 1, 2018
My daughter grow up riding the back of a mt tandem with my wife and I. Did we need to do the rad jumps, speed down flow trails. No, it was about doing what we enjoyed as a family. Cruising through the woods, occasional jumping a water bar, seeing how tight a trail I could take a tandem with a three year old.
It was about family time and doing what we enjoyed. There was plenty of time later to finish beating my body up. (IE - last May, in Moab, shattering a wrist - at 66 yrs young)
These family rides were also a great time to introduce friends to riding. Many are now my main riding partners.
Feb 1, 2018
Before my youngest could ride, I had the rigid rear bike seat on the back of the cheap fat bike. He loved it and I got a good workout with that and the 3 -liter CamelBak for my sons and I out on the trails. I can't wait until we take our mountain camping trip. The boys will be stoked!
Take care,
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 2, 2018
Feb 1, 2018
meatheaded riders make it troubling to deal with angry hikers and of course the idiotic entitled horse set with their shit spewing mounts that they never clean up after so the trails have hoof strikes and piles of manure...
the joys of sylvan fun...
Feb 1, 2018
If you want to be a cyclist, you are a cyclist. If you choose to stop, don't give an excuse. Just admit that you choose not to do it anymore.
Feb 1, 2018
Sure, the real reason is "I don't care enough to make it a priority anymore," but getting some clarity into what else is taking priority in these peoples lives is, I think, insightful.
Related: https://www.singletracks.com/blog/mtb-columns/beer-bad-want-pain-want-sustain/