Everyone has a different relationship with mountain biking. For some, it’s life. For others, it’s just one hobby among many. And depending on who you know and where you live, mountain biking is either seen as totally normal… or totally weird.
Everyone has a different relationship with mountain biking. For some, it’s life. For others, it’s just one hobby among many. And depending on who you know and where you live, mountain biking is either seen as totally normal… or totally weird.
Apr 27, 2020
"Acquaintances", local IMBA club members. I know some of their first names, I might know where they work; grab a beer a burger with them post-ride once a season, and work with them on trail-build days, but that's about it. - Many acquaintances mountain bike.
Apr 30, 2020
May 1, 2020
Apr 27, 2020
I tend to be in the same category as the two previous commentors.
Apr 26, 2020